chapter 33

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Violet's POV

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Jason freaking Drew Blakely kissed me in front of Ashley the ex!!!!

I was already having a hard time getting used to him as my boyfriend and he just had to make it harder. I have never been in a relationship before and naturally I don't know any fudging thing about it. Me and Jason talked it out too and decided to take baby steps. And when I say baby steps, keeping our relation lowkey was included which sure as hell doesn't seem like it right now. I could practically feel Ashley's burning glare on my back.

He pulled away after a minute, just as breathless as I was and rested his forehead on mine. A huge grin was plastered on his face. I shook my head and then gave up hiding my own smile.

I was dragged out of my dreamland rather harshly. In mere seconds, I was torn apart from Jason by none other than Ashley. Her perfectly manicured nails dug into my skin, leaving marks and before I could process anything, a stinging pain rose into my left cheek as the witch slapped me.

That's what I expected.

But to my utter surprise. Ashley effing Benson squealed. Like really cheery squeal while clapping like a retarded seal. We all stood there with shock and disbelief painted on our faces. Ashley rolled eyes at our expression and then walked towards me. I flinched back when she inched her hand towards my shoulder. Jason clearly noticed this and pulled me behind him, sizing Ashley.

"What are you playing at Ashley?" he gritted his teeth in frustration. His palms were balled into fists. I mentally prayed that he won't hit her and slid my fingers into his, prying open his grip. He visibly relaxed making a small sigh escape my lips.

"I-Jason I-" she sighed and shook her head. When she looked up, her eyes were filled with guilt. "I am sorry." she bit her lip.

"For what exactly?" Jason snapped and she winced at his tone. Hell even I flinched. Hopefully I won't ever be on the receiving end.

"For everything. I am trying to move on and I can't do that until you forgive me. Until Violet forgive me. I have realised now that me and you were never meant to be. And being the first person you told about Violet, I know how much she means to you. I am happy for you but I want to be happy too and I can't do it without your forgiveness." Her eyes were brimming with unshed tears and she seemed so genuine.

"What does she mean by 'Being the first person you told about Violet'?" Cedric narrowed his eyes at Jason. Jason rubbed the back of his neck and Ashley chuckled. He shot her a glare which she returned with a smirk. Hell now even I am confused.


"Spill it Blakely!" Chaz snapped.

"He was hopelessly in love with Violet since the moment he first saw her. She was his OLLG a few years back." Ashley spoke as a matter-of-fact. Jason huffed and my eyes popped out of my skull. Figuratively obviously.

"What?" We all shouted incredulously in unison. My cheeks were Sahara desert hot as I tried to not dwell on use of L- word.

"Yeah?" Jason mumbled, rubbing back of his neck again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I shrieked. He looked at me for the first time and gave me a sheepish smile.

"I did came searching for you when you left but when I found you in arms of another boy, I left assuming that he was your boyfriend. Turns out that he is your brother."

I gave him an 'are-you-effing-kidding-me' look and he took it as his cue to drop more bombs on me.

"I still have your letter even. If you don't believe me."

"You what!?" he winced and rubbed his ear.

"Ow. Easy on my ear women." This made me crack a smile. Seeing it as a positive sign, he smiled and engulfed me into a warm hug. Everybody snapped back from their daze after the extra information as they began cheering and hooting for us. Christian even shouted- 'Long live Jiolet.'

"I wanted to tell you but I guess you were meant to know this way." He whispered in my ear as I momentarily forgot all the problems of the world. A goofy grin was plastered on my face as I nodded. He pulled back and kissed my forehead then my nose and then my cheek before kissing me again on lips. I chuckled against his lips.

"Ugh! Guys its practically torture for us. You know that rest of us are suffering from single disorder, right?" Caitlyn groaned and everybody laughed as Jason kissed me even harder for the sake of it.

I pulled back with a smile but it dropped as my eyes fell on Ashley. Jason followed my line of sight and sighed. He faced Ashley as he spoke.

"Listen Ash." I tried to ignore the unsettling feeling 'Ash' brought. "It's too much to take at once. I just can't trust you like this after all that went down between us and honestly it affected Violet more than me. So you owe her apology not me."

Everybody looked at me now. I squirmed under all the calculating gazes and cleared my throat.

"Um, I forgive you. I can't promise being on talking or friendly terms but yeah its okay. New Year is coming and I don't want to hold grudges."

Ashley beamed immediately and shocked me with a hug. I looked at Jason who gave me a proud smile that relaxed me. My eyes searched every face around me for reactions and I wasn't surprised to see Cedric and Christian with frowns and Caitlyn, Chaz with encouraging smiles.

I hope I don't regret this.


"Why would you do that?" from my peripheral vision, I saw Christian sliding next to me. He followed line of my sight and sighed. I looked away from Jason and Ashley laughing about something. The rest were setting camp fire, occasionally glaring at her or throwing sympathetic smiles at me.

"I didn't want to hold grudges and she seemed genuine. I don't regret it a bit." I added the last part taking in the disbelief from his features.

"Really? You don't?" he motioned towards them. I spared them a glance and then forced a smile in Chris's direction.

"I don't. Just look at him, he looks so happy being able to let go of grudge against his best friend."

"Ex-best friend." He pointed. I rolled my eyes and nudged his shoulder with mine.

"Tell me about your love life mister. Anyone special?" he glared at me for changing the topic not so subtly but then shook his head and sighed.

"No." I hid my surprise.

"Well thank the stars. Christian juniors are still a faraway dream then." He glared at me as I feigned innocence.

"I just didn't find the one yet." I smiled at his honesty.

"What kinda girl do you want?"

"Too bad you're already taken. I would totally do you." My eyes widened at his serious expression. He tried to hold but burst into laughter abruptly, drawing everyone's attention. Chaz and Caitlyn too slid next to me.

"You should have seen your face! Sorry sweet buns, I know you love me but you're more like a sister to Me." he ruffled my hair and I punched his arm. Hard. He almost fell off the deck but I caught him. Instead of being grateful, he gave me a stink eye. I rolled my eyes at this and saw Jason approaching us with the rest two. Caitlyn made room for him and he slid next to me, pulling me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair before placing his chin on my shoulder.



I felt him smile against my neck and just like that, all my worries were out of the window.

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