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I can't move .. Mark held my hand, this felt real. This felt like what I've dreamed of every since I realized I liked Mark this way. Mark tried too make small talk as the line moved ever so slowly, he failed as I gave him extremely generic awnsers. My cheeks were a bright rosey pink, I tried too not draw to much attention to my figeting motions. My foot wouldn't stop tapping and I nervously picked at my nails. I felt Mark's hand settle on my shoulder.

"Jack, what's up with you? You don't seem too excited to see the one. The only. ME!" He threw his arms backwards in an attempt to be funny, but in the process hit a young woman. Her clevage was busty as ever, she had her hair in tight ringlets. She raised an eyebrow that was so perfectly arched, that I had a suspision it was drawn on. She looked angrily at Mark.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Mark tossed her one of his signature smiles... and I could feel mine fading.

She looked Mark up and down. She smirked in an almost over confident way.

"It's fine!" She said in a way too excited voice, she smacked her gum annoyingly. She walked away with a sashay and I noticed Mark looking in the direction of her ass. My happiness had dissappeared at this point.

"She was pretty hot, am I right?" He whispered too me. I scooted farther away from him, I could feel my hopes dropping.

"Yeah, I guess," I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. NO! MARK I LOVE YOU...WHY DO YOU DO THIS TOO ME? But I sat there in silence as we got our food. Well, as Mark got his food. I wasn't hungry anymore. I had lost my appetite a while ago.

I watched as Mark skarffed down his Big Mac while he drove me to his house.

"You ready to meet my little puppy?" He asked his mouth overflowing with food.

"Ew you pig swallow first!" I shoved him playfully.

"Oh... I'll swallow, Jack," He put a sly grin on his face.

"NOT LIKE THAT!" I yelled, my Irish accent hinting through the "at" sound.

We were silent for a moment as Mark drove, I switched on the radio and my favorite band blasted through the speakers.

"YES!! TWENTY ONE PILOTS!!" I exclaimed while making a horrible attempt to hide my fanboying.

"Hmm, never heard of them.. what's this song called?" Mark always had such an open mind.

"Addict with a Pen," I almost said why I liked the song so much but I held my tongue.

"I like it so far!" He smiled and looked out at the road ahead of us. I sung quietly too myself, Mark didn't tell me to stop so I sang a little louder. My voice carried and came out sounding pretty good, shakey at time. But it didn't sound that bad to me.

"Wow," Mark said as I finished the last note. "That was really good," He had a certain look on his face that I couldn't read.

"T-thanks," I mumbled, feeling the tips of my ears turn red.

We pulled into his driveway after a while. I hopped out of the front seat and grabbed my bags that I packed.

"Are you sure you want me to stay with you? It'll be a lot less of a hassle," I yelled out to him as I carried bags inside.

"Yes, I want you to stay here, you don't have to pay and you get free food, why walk out on a deal like that?" Mark said as he dropped the last bag in the living room with a huff.

"True, true,"

God, sorry for the horrible stopping point XD ANYWAY if you guys like this, be prepared to read A LOT more!! I'm guessing this story will have at least 60 parts XP SO... YEAH STAY ALIVE |-/

A Hand to Hold On To // A Septiplier Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now