Stay Alive

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Ayo! It would be awesome of you listened to the song before the chapter! It'll put more of an image in your mind :)

Mark POV

I had just left the hospital and was getting in my car. I was exhasted, I was always on high alert, I was making crap YouTube videos at random because I was so busy with Jack. But being with him was blissfull. I never felt like I had to hold anything back. I turned the key and switched on the engine. Ever since Jack had showed me Twenty Øne Piløts that was all I ever listened too. I smiled as the song "Truce" came on.

I slowly backed out of the parking space and sang along.

"Now the night is coming too and end," I sung out in a strong voice. I listened for a while because it was such a beautiful song. I realized I had to get some milk (HE NEEDS SOME MILK) from the corner store because we had been out for over a week now and Matt and Ryan were to lazy to get it. I pulled into an open place and locked my car. I was strolling into the store when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"How's your friend doing," The voice asked, I turned around slowly. It was the criminals who robbed Jack of his legs. Anger boiled up inside of me. I pulled out my phone quickly and dialed 911. But before I knew it one of them had tackled me to the ground. I fought mercilessly, punching, pulling hair, kicking in the crotch. But there was two of them and only one of me.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed out in pain as one of them brought a stick he had grabbed down on my shin. I shielded my face the best that I could. But blood had already began to pour out of the gash on my forehead. I curled into a ball. Even though I was seriously injured and could barely move, as they walked away I yelled.

"Hey fatass, fuck you," Shaggy hair whipped around and charged me. I didn't care, I had grown numb at this point. Spiked up hair yanked him away from my almost lifeless body. Before I knew it people were surrounding me, calling the police and checking to see if I was breathing. Was I breathing? I couldn't tell. All around me were just blurryfaces, I couldn't see straight. Slowly my mind began to shut down, I couldn't talk, I couldn't see or smell.

Was I dead?

HUGE THANKS TO septiplier_fangurl for getting me out of my writers block! Go follow her she has some pretty sick works! STAY ALIVE GUYS! |-/

A Hand to Hold On To // A Septiplier Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now