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As I helped Jack carry in his bags, I noticed something didn't seem right. No noise was in the house, I couldn't even hear the patter of Chica's pawsteps. Or Matt and Ryan joking around. What I did hear was a gunshot. Jack's eyes widend and I knew that we weren't safe. I couldn't let myself think what might've happened too my puppy or Lego or Matt or Ryan. I had to block it out and get us to safety. I heard another crash and I put my finger to my lips and motioned Jack to follow me.

His legs were shaking uncontrollably and I stood in front of him so that if something happend I would absorb the blow. We snuck around the kitchen and hid behind the counters. Tears streamed down my face, I didn't even noticed them until Jack reached up and whiped them away. His icy blue eyes held all the fear that was in his body. His eyebrows were creased in worry and he started to tear up.

"Wh-what are we going to do?" He whispered holding my gaze. I intertwined my hand in his.

"We're gonna get out of here," I gave him the bravest look I could muster. All the sudden I heard a yell, and more gunshots.

"PLEASE NO! TAKE ANYTHING JUST PLEASE DON'T SHOOT," I put my hand up to my mouth, the voice was Ryan. Now Chica and Lego were barking aggressively. Two male voices that I didn't regonize spoke up.

"We want everything," One of the guys said. I dared too look past the counter and the scene before me was terrifying. Matt was sprawled on the ground, his face white and he had a gunshot wound in his stomach. I gasped and held back a sob. Jack squeezed my hand, his eyes looked drained as he held his breath. I realized we had no idea what too do.

"O-ohkay... take everything," Ryan stepped back, his eye were red and puffy... he had been crying. I resisted the urge to run out and hug him.. or do something.

The two guys had matching blue hoodies on, one had shaggy black hair, and the other had spiked up blounde hair. Shaggy hair pulled Ryan close and held the gun to his head.

"I'm not getting my ass up too get your stuff," He cocked the gun back. "You know... maybe I will," he squinted his eye as if hitting the target was impossible, he set his finger on the trigger. Jack stood up and screamed.

"Don't fire you fuckhead," He had a look of courage on his face that I had never seen before. He walked out of the kitchen and towards the two criminals. I couldn't let him go alone so I stood up slowly. Looking a lot less confident then Jack did.

"Who the fuck are you?" Shaggy hair took the gun off of Ryan's head and swiveled around so that the gun was pointed right at Jack's head. I gasped, this couldn't really be happening.

"None of your fucking buisness, now just take the stuff and leave," Jack stared down the barrel of the gun without an ounch of fear, he almost looked unamused.

"Remember buddy, I'm the one with the gun," Shaggy hair smirked. "I don't really feel like even taking the stuff anymore, I just wanna shoot this place up and leave," He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. Spiked up hair guy looked not so sure.

"You know buddy, that you have already left SO much evidence that your ass is gonna be in jail before you walk out the door," Now it was Jack's turn to smirk, he crossed his hands in front of his chest.

"Heh, I don't even care," He raised the gun... and fired. I screamed as the shot rang in my ears. Sirens sounded as if they were coming closer. The two guys looked scared shitless and jumped out the window. Jack thumped to the ground. I collapsed next too him, shaking him, screaming at him to stay with me. Ryan applied pressure to Matt's wound, it wasn't as serious as I thought. But... Jack got shot in the stomach, it went right through his body. Blood pooled around him, his eyed were fading. My hands were getting soaked in his blood. I held him close and sobbed into his shirt.

"M-Mark," Jack looked me in the eyes, he held his stomach in pain. "H-help me," His eyes were filled with fear he was crying and was slowly turning a ghost white. I sobbed louder.

"The paramedics are almost here Jack, hold on for me please," I pleaded, hugging him tightly to my chest. I noticed that I needed to apply pressure to the wound, I ripped off my shirt and pressed it up against the bloody opening in his stomach. He yelled out in pain, He gripped my arm and held on for dear life.

"M-Mark, I-I can't... breathe," He could barely talk now.

"WHERE IS THE DAMN PARAMEDICS?" I screamed, Jack's eyes softed.

"M-Mark.. stop," He tried to pry my hand off his wound.

"JARK ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY, NO!" I had a look of pure panic on my face, I couldn't loose my best friend.

"Please Mark," I still didn't listen, tears streamed down my face like an endless waterfall. His eyes seemed almost blank at this point, he was loosing streagth. I stopped and sobbed into his chest, my face was streaked with red. He winced for a moment but then relaxed.

"The paramedics are here!" Ryan rejoiced. I let out a sigh of relief, Jack might make it through this. I waited for the usual rise and fall of his chest. He wasn't breathing... he.. he wasn't breathing. I shook him.

"J-Jack the paramedics are here.. wake up," I choked out. "J...Jack,"

The police men and fire fighters aand paramedics stormed in with stretchers.

"Sir, we need to take him," A young lady stated. I gave her a pleading look.

"H-he's not breathing... help me," I shook as I lifted Jack's limp body on the stretcher. His eyes looked dull, no more happiness, no more light. They went too work on Matt and Jack right away and got them into the anberlance within ten secounds flat. Ryan and I just stood there. Unmoving.

/////////TO BE CONTINUED /////////

I cried while I was writing this no joke, okay so I said I was going to post three chapters... and i might post another tonight but this is double the length of my usual chapters so I hope this makes up for it. Don't hate me. STAY ALIVE |-/

A Hand to Hold On To // A Septiplier Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now