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Mark POV

Nothing like getting a call at six in the morning by Jack telling me he doesn't have legs anymore. He sounded devastated, who wouldn't be? I promised that I would be over as soon as possible.

I creeped through the house trying not to wake Chica, Lego and the boys. I slipped out the door and sprinted to my car. I needed to be there for Jack no matter what, he needed me. I started up the car and backed out of the drive way. My radio was playing a song that I had heard before. I turned it up slightly and relized it was the band that Jack talked about all the time. What was it called again??? Twenty øne piløts? I thought to myself. It was Addict with a Pen, if I remembered right. I listened to the lyrics and felt myself growing sad, and even more frantic. I hoped Jack was okay.


I made a mad dash into the hospital doors and slid to the front desk.

"I-I need to see Sean Mcloughlin ( im to lazy to look up how to spell it oops) ," I panted.

"Please relax, he's on the second floor the first door on your right," She responded giving me a stone cold glare.

"Thank you," I turned and ran to the elevator, stepped in a little off balance and slammed my hand on the number two. I stood in silence for a while, stereotypicial elevator music played in the background. Once the doors creaked open I rushed down the hallway and made a sharp turn to the right. The door was already open, Jack was on the bed. The sheets were off him and he was staring down at his legs, horrified.

I ran to him and hugged him tight. I didn't move, I didn't want to ever let go.

"M-my legs," He stuttered out.

I held him as he shook from shock in my arms.

"I love you so much, " I whispered in his ear, as he started to tear up. He hugged me back and pressed his lips lightly agaisnt mine. We stayed like that for a while. In complete silence, only the sound of our breathing and hearts beating.

"You are not alone," I let go of him but immediately linked my hand in his. We were inseparable. We were one.

Sort of sadish idk. Bad day. Hopefully a better one tomorrow.

A Hand to Hold On To // A Septiplier Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now