Chapter 6

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I watched as the Protector slowly opened his eyes in the ill-lighted room.

First, they were only halfway open, but when he noticed the unfamiliar room, he opened them widely. Anxiously, his eyes gazed over the dark room as I hid in the shadows, observing his every reaction. He started to jerked his hands, but gritted his teeth in annoyance and stopped when he noticed they were cuffed to a metal chair. As nimbly as possible, he tried to jump along with the chair, but growled in anger when he also noticed that the chair was stuck hard in the floor.

Jerking his limbs one last time, he grunted in defeat and let his head fall limply in front off him.

"Thought it was a dream, didn't you?", I finally called out from the shadows.

He immediately lifted his head up at the sound of my voice, his eyes flickering everywhere in the room as if trying to find my presence.

"What dream?" He asked slowly, trying to find me by the sound of my voice.

"You tell me. You were the one unconscious."

"Where are you?" He squinted his eyes in concentration, ignoring my answer.

"Everywhere", I smartly answered.

He tilted his head to the side, concentrating on the sound of my voice but the closed room made it echo.

After a few moments of silence, he turned his head in my direction, his eyes flickering in the shadows.

"Good." I stepped out from the shadows, crossing my arms on my chest as I looked at him with my blank eyes.

His hair looked more bedraggled than usual and with eyes slightly aglow, he jerked his arms from his restrains in futile. Leaning forward, his eyes looked at mine in anger.

"You killed him."

"Who?" I asked with a bored expression.

"You killed him."

I almost rolled my eyes at him. "You got to be more specific. I've killed dozens of people."

He jerked his arms again.

"You killed him! Do you have any idea how hard it was to find a man as handsome as me?!" He said with outrage.

I barked out a humorless laugh, "I've killed men more attractive than you."

"How dare you! I'm hurt." He leaned back, his eyes glinting with a sense of childishness.

A smile edged at my lips but I quickly dropped them. Afraid that the Protector might have saw my unnatural change of expression, I slid my hands over the sheaths of my swords, but he didn't seem to notice since his eyes looked past me.

"Stop winning and tell me your name." I said, unamused.

His pouted lips disappeared and was replaced by a tight smile of hesitation.

His long silence made me grip the handles of my blades tightly.

The protector's eyes widened. "Miley Cyrus!"

I frowned as I looked at him in confusion. "Who?"

His eyes widened dramatically as he looked at me with shock. "You don't know who Miley Cyrus is? What kind of sick world do you live in?!"

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