Chapter 17

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As I walked quickly through the hall, the sobbing and the marching steps gradually getting louder, I hadn't noticed doors blending in to the dark hue of the walls.

At first glance, I thought them to be unusual with the slight uneven structure of the concrete, and was about to step closer to identify the cause of it when I heard a strange cry. I had immediately jumped, not expecting the horrible screech and pointed my blade at where it came from.

Unsurprisingly, it came from the wall I was about to approach.

I sheathed by blades for a moment as I chided myself for ridiculously jumping at a sound. Stepping closer to the wall, not caring about the guards for a moment, I listened to the sounds coming from the inside. There came another cry, although louder than the last before I heard a slashing sound.

I stepped back from the wall, or in my guess a door. This time, my curiosity did not win my over as I decided not to open it or peek inside the glass since, there weren't any, and started to walk briskly through the hall once again. I didn't want to provide any more inconveniences to myself, the child was enough.

As I passed by multiple hidden doors, each with shouts and grunts of pain from the inside, I assumed myself to be in the torture chamber at the very bottom of HQ's building which Commander Beckett had sometimes threatened to put me in. I hadn't been sent here, fortunately, since I had always accomplished each task that was given to me, but I still knew the direction of the exit when I had stolen the blueprints of the building from the lab, wanting to make sure that I could escape if ever I was captured.

I thanked myself for being tense that day since I now knew where I was and where I was heading. Unfortunately, it wasn't the exit since it was at the end of the hall behind me.

I pushed the urge to sigh in exhaustion, the child better be worth my chance of freedom.

When I finally arrived at the hall that divided into two, I turned right, following the sobbing that came from it. Walking quietly in the hall and occasionally, glancing at the doors and the hall behind me, I began to grow extremely bored. That certain emotion was one I was familiar with since I can't last a day without killing someone- a fact that Commander Beckett knows after almost killing an agent who only glanced my way.

Wondering where the guards were and why the hell they were taking so long, I glanced behind me once again. The hall behind me was where the marching steps came from, but I saw nothing that would indicate that they saw me and were approaching me.

The urge to kill and maim someone grew until I unsheathe one of my blades and dragged it on the wall to my right. A loud scratching sound echoed in the hall until I was positive that they knew of my location.

My former plan to escape easily and quietly disappeared entirely from my mind as I walked, now wanting to feel the blood splatter over the walls, and my cheek, and to hear the cries of pain as I drive my blade through their stomachs.

Now grinning darkly at the thought, I slackened my pace, wanting the guards behind me to catch up.

The footsteps I had heard earlier grew, but I paid no mind to it since I had been hearing the same thing since the room, aside from the sobbing and the occasionally sounds of screams, and I was wondering if there was something wrong with my hearing.

I stopped for a moment, contemplating the thought before I tuned into my hearing and focused on the sounds, wanting to test it.

Sounds echoed into my ears, some whispers of conversations and sounds of phones ringing, others were loud shouts of pain and thundering of steps. I almost dropped my blade to clutch my ears wanting to tune them out when the sounds only grew louder and louder until it was too painful to bear.

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