Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (3rd person)

The second the guards and Gorell reached the castle, they threw Reinya into the dungeons. Prince Gorell showed no sign to Reinya that he knew she was a female, and Reinya had been relieved by that. “Stupid temper!” Reinya cursed herself, letting her man voice drop to her normal tone.

Another prisoner across the prison gave her a weird look. Reinya glared at the prisoner, making him look away. A guard came to the gate’s door. “What?” She spat at the guard, recognizing him from the raid at her barn for her horses.

“Gorell has summoned you for an explanation for your actions,” The guard started, then paused. “Um...what is your name?”

“Renyon.” Reinya lied quickly, brushing dirt off her pants.

“Follow me, Renyon,” The guard said somewhat emotionlessly.

Reinya stood up and walked towards the door as the guard fumbled with the keys to her prison cell. When he finally got the cell open the guard gestured for Reinya to follow him. She did as he asked; Reinya did not want to get in anymore trouble.

The guard let her through a small corridor and into a small darkly lit room. “Wait here for Prince Gorell,” the guard instructed. He then closed the door leaving Reinya alone in the room.

As Reinya looked around she saw a couple chairs, a small round table, and two candles lighting the room. She wondered if this was where they interrogated all the prisoners. A sudden rush of panic rushed over Reinya, and she collapsed into one of the chairs scattered around the room.

All she could think about was they were going to take her horses and take them to a war she didn’t want to participate in. She didn’t even know why the elves were concerning themselves with the war they spoke of. What if one of the horses died! Or if all of them died!

“Renyon, is it?” Gorell asked, entering the room, causing Reinya to sit up properly.

“Yes, your majesty.” Reinya said formally, “I am very sorry about letting temper get the better of me. I am just very protective of my horses. I need to return soon to Elinya, to help her prepare-” Reinya paused to swallow the lump in her throat, “The horses to help you in the war.”

“Are you and Elinya together?” Gorell questioned. “You seem very close to each other.”

Reinya laughed, shaking her head. “No, no. We’re more like sisters. I found her by-” Reinya stopped, realizing her slip up.

“Sisters?” Gorell asked, raising a perfect eyebrow. “ are a guy, right?”

“Ummmm... about that,” Reinya paused for a second trying to think of a good reason. “Fine, I am a girl, and proud of it!” Reinya had given up on pretending, she let her hair down and returned her voice to normal.

Gorell’s mouth dropped in shock, for he had really believed he would be reasoning with a male about not hitting princes. “Well, uh...Don’t hit royalty?” He stuttered, still reeling from finding out she was a girl.

Reinya sighed, placing an elbow on her knee, and her chin in her hand. “Got it. But next time, don’t take my horses, okay? Meet me halfway here. It’s our small community's transportation anywhere.” She said earnestly.

“You could always walk, you know.” Gorell supplied. The kingdom really did need horses for the upcoming war, and their village was the closest to Mirkwood.

That earned Gorell a harsh glare from Reinya, and he shrunk back a little, but quickly recovered. “We still are taking your horses.” He informed her, “We’ll be by there tomorrow to receive them. You may leave now.”

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