Football game -Mithross-

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Max's pov

"Don't fucking touch him! I'll beat your ass!" I yell as a group of guys run away from me.

I run over to Ross curled in a ball on the floor, those fucking assholes were beating him up before I got out of class to protect him. I sit down next to him and bring him onto my lap, he clutches onto my letterman jacket. I leave small kisses on his head and forehead completely ignoring everyone walking past us and smiling.

"I love you Narwhal."

I stand him up after sitting there for a good ten minutes, the halls are pretty much empty as it's the end of the day and kids are either rushing home to play video games or get ready for the football game tonight. I honestly love playing football because my teammates all love Ross and don't give a shit that we're together but I have to leave Ross on the sidelines alone even if those pricks can't get to him because he sits with the cheerleaders it makes me worry.

I wrap my arm around his waist and we start walking out of the school and to his house like normal. "Ross?" I look at him.


"I'm never going to stop loving you, you know that right?"

"I love you too Maxxy." He always calls me Maxxy even though he knows I hate it.

-Time Skip to the game-

I take off my letterman and give it to Ross since I can't wear it over my pads and football gear, he puts it on and gives me a smile before giving me a kiss and sitting down with the cheerleaders and texting on his phone before seeing our friend Red who's also dating one of my teammates, John well we call him Barney. They start talking together and with a cheerleader who is the girlfriend of our friend Adam and ignoring the game like normal.

-After the game-

I'm laying in bed with Ross who's zoned out, this was normal for us since both of our parents didn't care we were together and let me spend the night quite often. I look down at him laying on my chest, wearing my letterman jacket that's slightly too big on him and his boxers. I smile. He's mine, my boyfriend, my narwhal. I smile at that thought.

"I love you too Max." Ross yawns.

"How did you know I was thinking about you?" I say laughing.

"Your heart is beating fast." He says slowly falling asleep.

"Well I love my narwhal." He's already asleep and cuddling into my chest.

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