Flower boy -Mithross-

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Highschool au

Max's pov

This fucking dork, with his cute face and his cute flower crown and cute sweaters. I pull my studying boyfriend into my lap and start nuzzling my nose into his neck.

"M-Max we're supposed to be studying." He squirms.

"But I wanna love you and your cute face and looks."

"I love you too but I want to study so we can graduate." He leaning his head back onto my shoulder and pouting.

"Fine but after you have to promise we get to cuddle."

"Fine, at least let me study for another ten minutes." He says staring back at his book in front of him on the bed.

I sit there staring at the boy and smile, I decide to pester him a little so I take the pink and magenta flower crown resting on his golden brown hair and place it on my red hair and smile at him.

"Jerk." He says looking at me.

"Can we cuddle now?" I pout at him.

"Fine." He says putting his books away and laying down next to me with his head on my chest.

I look down at him, curly golden brown hair and his light blue sweater, I don't understand how he likes me, a punk with red hair and black jeans and a leather jacket.

"I love you narwhal." I say kissing the top of his head.

"Yeah, yeah I love you too." He says smiling and cuddling into my chest.

Boom two in one day.

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