Character Backrounds

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Cobalt is an Enderman: one of the children of magic. He was born in the demon realm and trained in the art of ancient arcane magic that had been long since forgotten. The only problem was that he was the only one of his kind who didn't become enraged when looked in the eyes, making him a somewhat peaceful creature. When other demons found out, they would shun and bully him. Cobalt fled and escaped to the human realm where he lived in exile. He had heard stories but had never seen a human before.....
......until he met Colin.

Colin is Armen's brother(I think he's the older brother but I'll check with Drake). He found the Magical Library and became obsessed with its magic secrets. He studied all forms of foreign magic. Soon, he released a dark demon accidentally and it started to take over his body. Colin was unable to control his body as the demon burned his house down and killed his parents. He tried to fight the demon's control, allowing Armen to escape. Colin ran to the center of the forest, clutching his head as he fought the demon in his mind......and met Cobalt.

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