Chapter 28

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The next day...
Drake's POV

Rosestar strapped her spiked chain to her side as I packed a few health potions into her bag. Last night, after she kissed me, I decided to give her a surprise. I stood up.

"Hey Rose? I have a surprise for you." I said all sing-songy.

She turned around. "Really?"

I nodded. I closed my eyes and let my body form the two separate entities that made me who I am...

Colin's POV

"Hi there Rosestar. It's great to meet you personally." I said cheerfully.

Cobalt waved 'hello'.

She looked at the pair of us. She seemed shocked to see us unfuse like that. I couldn't blame her. I remember the first time Cobalt and I had that awkward stand off. Ah, good times.

"So..." she finally spoke. "Drake is a...fusion of you two?"

We nodded.

"Yes we understand the sight of us suddenly appearing is much to take in, but please try to remain calm." Cobalt said.

"O...k...but why did you unfuse now?"

"We wanted to help you pack." I replied. "It'll go faster with three people."

She slowly nodded. "That actually makes a lot of sense. Ok then, you guys can help out. When we finish, you both have to re-fuse."

We nodded again. "Deal."

We went around the room and grabbed food, water, a few more potions, a sleeping bag, and a couple of magic spell scrolls.

After a half hour, her bag was packed.

She turned to us. "Remember what you said you would do."

We nodded in understanding. We gave her a big hug and a few goodbyes. Cobalt and I stepped back and our forms melded back together...

Drake's POV

I opened my eyes and looked at Rosestar. She still seemed a bit shocked  by what just happened.

"So? What do you think of them?" I asked her.

"Well, Colin has a perky personality, and Cobalt is calm, and can seem a bit serious."

"Yeah that pretty much describes me too. I mean, I am a combination of them."

She smiled at me, but then faltered and looked away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just...the way they hugged're going to really miss me, aren't you?" she said.

"Yes." I replied quietly.

She turned to me. "Let's go outside. I need to say goodbye to everyone."

We walked down the stairs to see everyone waiting for us. Grayson spoke up first.

"Morning, guys! You ready to get going?"

Rosestar looked at the group. "I am sorry to tell you, but I will not be joining you."

Everyone was shocked.

"What?! Why?!" Mia exclaimed.

"I need to do something important. This is very dangerous, but I am going alone. This is something I have to do."

The group seemed upset, but nodded in understanding.

"We'll all be thinking of you." Luke said as they all gave me a big hug.

Rosestar walked out the door, but I grabbed her arm, stopping her.

I kissed her lips.

"I hope you will think of all of us. Use one of the scrolls to talk to us if you get lonely."

She smiled. "I will. I promise."

I watched as she turned down the road and began walking. I saw her glance back.

I waved.

She waved back.

As her figure got farther down the road, I had a feeling that I would see her again.

A feeling that told me this was only the beginning....

                       The End.....?

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