Chapter 17

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Drake's POV
I uncomfortably and awkwardly removed the girl's bodice, dress, and cape. I turned her on her side and applied a healing poultice on her wound.
'I'm healing her. This isn't perverted. It's strictly medical.' I said to myself.
After the poultice was set, I wrapped cloth bandages around the girl's torso. I turned her body so she laid on her back and I covered her with a warm blanket. I wiped my brow and sighed.
"I guess I won't be sleeping in my bed for a while." I said out loud. I shrugged. "I'll just use the bed in my study."
I looked back at the girl. Her chest rose slowly, showing that her breathing had returned. She looked so peaceful, sleeping there.
"Hmm. I wonder..." I said.
This was my first time trying this specific kind of magic. If I did this wrong....
I didn't want to think about it. I took a deep breath and placed my right hand on her forehead. Her skin felt so soft. I closed my eyes and concentrated...

Memories flooded my mind, but they were her point of view. I could see a town in flames. Corpses and blood covered the ground. I watched through her eyes as she held a small boy's body. Against the stormy grey sky, I could see a person on horseback, but it wasn't normal. The rider wore a hooded black cape and the horse was a living skeleton! Underneath the hood, shone those sinister white eyes I knew all too well. The image shifted to her running through the woods, the white eyed demon right behind her. She got out her weapon and swung the spiked chain at him, but he knocked it out of her grasp. He sneered, showing his pointed teeth. He slashed her side with an Ender blade. I could feel the searing pain she felt as the blade tore her flesh open....
The connection broke up as I took my hand off her head and I ended up reeling backwards and landed on the floor.
"Ouch..." I grunted. I froze as I heard heavy breathing. I looked up.

The girl was awake and staring at me.

RejectedShotgun: Two halves of a whole Book 1Where stories live. Discover now