Chapter 24

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Drake's POV
The rain started pouring down heavily as we made our way out of the forest. I tried using part of Grayson's jacket to shield my head from getting drenched.

"Drake oh my god pls stop." Grayson ordered.

"Oh c'mon dude. You know I hate water." I complained.

Rosestar pointed down the path. "There's a town up ahead! Hurry!"

We all took off running towards the town as fast as we could. When we reached the outskirts, it was surrounded by a large stone wall. There was even a guard protecting the main gate. He looked at us and leveled his spear at our faces.

"Who are you? State your business." he ordered in a gruff tone.

I was practically shivering to the bone, so I couldn't speak. Rosestar stepped forward.

"We are mere travelers, sir. All we ask for is shelter from the storm and a bit of food and drink. Please sir, we are very tired and weak from many weeks of travel."

The guard looked at Rosestar as she peered out from underneath her drenched red hood of her cloak. He nodded his head to another guard and opened the gate.

"There is an inn down the road. You and your party will find some hospitality there from the innkeeper. He is a very generous...'man'." he said.

"Thank you kind sir." Rosestar bowed her head in politeness and we headed into town. The building the guard directed us to was called The Snowed Inn. The storm picked up as we all ran inside.

As we caught our breaths, Grayson said aloud: "I wonder what the guard meant by 'man'."

"Well, I'm not exactly a man per say." A deep voice spoke behind us.

We turned around and were face to face with a living skeleton! He was around five feet tall, somewhat large(If a skeleton can be called that), and wore simple brown pants and a white button shirt, and loafers. He had a calm and relaxed smile on his face and white pinpricks in his eyesockets.

"Who...or what....are you?" Mia asked. The skeleton simply chuckled.

"I'm Sans. I used to follow Herobrine, but he turned out to be a pretty huge jackass. So now I'm the innkeeper here in Riverton."

"Well THAT'S nice to know." Luke said sarcastically.

Sans walked right up to Luke and pointed a bony finger at him.

"Listen kid. If you get on my bad side, I'm gonna have your smug little ass handed to ya. Capiche?" he said, his left eye turning blue briefly.

Luke nodded and quickly turned away, looking really scared.

Sans walked to a table and motioned for us to sit. We all complied, cause no one wanted to see that guy mad. He looked a lot calmer now.

"Anyways, what are your names? I like to know who'll be staying at my place."

"I'm Drake."

"I'm Mia!"




"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Here," he said as he threw Grayson a room key. "You'll all be staying in room Five. That's the biggest one I've got."

As I started to go upstairs with the others, Sans stopped me.

"Not you, kid. I wanna have a little chat with you."

I gulped down my fear as we sat at a table. He simply folded his hands and studied my face.

"That's quite the handywork bucko. Not even I can do a proper spirit attachment."

"Wait, how do you know about that?" I asked.

"Let's just say I know things. Besides, you can't fool an old magic user like myself. If you have any questions regarding magic, come to me."

"Thank you Mr. Sans." I said.

"Just call me Sans. Oh, and here's a little something for that golden-eyed girl of yours. This is from her old man before he passed. He was savin' it for her when she got older. He gave it to me for safe keeping." he said as he handed me a small box with a rose insignia.

As I headed up the stairs, I heard Sans mumble under his breath.

"Your treading down a dangerous path, buddy. I just hope you're ready for what lies ahead."

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