Chapter 11

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[ I have the BIGGEST crush on Drake so I drew this. Lol, I'm such a fangirl]


Drake's POV
I woke from my sleep with a start and looked around frantically. Mia and Grayson were curled up in their sleeping bags and Zhoobla-khan was asleep on top of Grayson. Luke was also asleep, tied up against a tree.
'Who said my name?' I thought.
The voice came again; a woman's voice floating on a soft breeze.
I slowly crawled out of my sleeping bag and tiptoed away from our campsite. "Hello?" I hollered softly.
Suddenly, an orb of golden light came through the trees and stopped a couple inches from my face. Slowly, the orb started to take shape. In a matter of seconds, a beautiful maiden stood in front of me, surrounded in a golden aura. She had long, brown hair, orange eyes, and wore a sleeveless white dress and no shoes.
"W-who are you?" I asked, completely hypnotized by her beauty.
She smiled warmly.
"I am the Goddess of Minecraftia. It is certainly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young Drake."
I was speechless. The great Goddess has heard of me?! I could feel my face heating up.
"Please, come with me. There is something you must see." she said as she gestured for me to follow. I followed close behind as we went deeper into the forest.....

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