Chapter 26

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Drake's POV

I watched as Rosestar awoke with a start. She sat up quickly in bed. I went to her side.

"You alright? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked.

She shook her head.
" was...more of a message."

I tilted my head. "Explain."

"Your brother, Armen was there."

My eyes widened in shock. "W-what? That's impossible...he...he's dead."

"He said to fix what has been broken. Only then can he come back."

I didn't know what to say. "He....said that to you?"

Rosestar nodded.

I sat down next to her, dumbfounded. I mean, Armen has communicated with me, but it was only once and very brief. How in Minecraftia was he able to speak to Rosestar?

Rosestar spoke quietly. "Do you... know what he means by 'what has been broken'?"

I nodded. I knew of what he spoke.

"He was talking about..." I hesitated. I had to be careful not to say the word too loudly. "The shards of one of the...Sacred...Diamonds." I whispered.

I waited for something ominous to happen to me. Nothing did. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Her golden eyes widened in shock. "You mean, the one you shattered with Andruin  in order to stop Him?"

"Yep. That's the one."

We sat in silence for a moment, listening to the sound of slow breathing and soft snoring coming from the others.

"Armen wants us to restore the third Diamond, but it's practically impossible."

Rosestar looked at me. "Why is that?"

"The Diamond shards are trapped underneath the volcano where the Magical Library once laid hidden and dormant. Because the eruption was so violent, it caused the library to collapse. We got out of there in time because there were portals to get us out. I don't think it's possible to get inside. Even if it was, it would be foolish to try and look for the shards underneath all of the ruins."

I felt a soft hand rest upon my right one. I turned to meet Rosestar's honey colored gaze.

A look of rekindled determination flooded her eyes.

"I will do it."

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