Chapter 5

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Drake's POV
After a long walk and being chased by Nightmares and the Empire, we finally reached the Dragon Hatchery. Grayson had the biggest smile of excitement I've ever seen. Mia was bouncing with joy, my guess because this place was so ancient and she likes to discover this kind of stuff. This place practically radiated with pure ancient draconian magic, a power so great, only known to be used by the dragons, and Grayson had the last dragon egg.
'If this works' I thought, 'then we might have a chance to bring back the oldest of magics!'
We all stood in front of two giant stone doors that led to the inside of the Hatchery. Carved into the doors was a giant dragon with emerald eyes. Grayson stepped forward to examine the doors' intricate carving.
"Grayson be careful. We don't really know what we're dealing with." I warned. He nodded.
"I know...I just wanna feel the design."
He barely touched the doors and they slowly swung open, a blast of steam hitting us all in the face. Grayson turned around at us and pointed at the entrance.
"I didn't do it! It swung open on its own! You saw it!" he said. Mia giggled.
"Yeah yeah we know."
We entered through the doors. As soon as we did, they shut behind us.
"Well, no going back now." I said. A long stone stairway descended downward before us, an orange glow emitting from the bottom. We started to walk down the stairs, each of us keeping a hand on the stone wall for stability. The orange glow started to get brighter the closer we got, and was getting hotter as well. We were sweating bullets when we reached the bottom. The sight before us was truly amazing. There were large pools of steamy hot water everywhere. The ceiling was littered by sparkling crystals of amber of immense proportions. Torches of rainbow flames on the walls cast dancing shadows along the ground. I looked over at Mia and Grayson. They both had big sparkling anime eyes(lol). I nudged Grayson to snap him out of his trance and glanced over at his backpack. He removed his pack and gingerly took out the purple and black egg.
" goes nothing guys." he said as he dropped the egg into the boiling water.....

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