Chapter 20

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A few days later...
Drake's POV
I groggily woke up in my study, hanging halfway off the bed. I heard the sound of clanking in my main bed chamber. I struggled to get out of bed, and succeeded in landing face first on the floor with my leg caught in the sheets.
'Well isn't this just a great way to start the morning.' I thought sarcastically.
When I managed to get out of the study, I went to check on Rosestar. I found her fully clothed, weapon equipped, and packing a bag of food and water. She looked up and saw me staring.
"Morning." she said.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"What does it look like? I'm packing for the journey I'm joining you on." she said as she strapped the bag on her shoulder.
"Are you positive you want to do this?" I asked once more.
"Yes." she nodded.
I picked up my own bag and beckoned her to follow me. I led her to my teleportation circle and fished a rune stone out of my pocket. I placed it down in the center of the circle and it disappeared. I grabbed Rosestar's hand.
"Hold on tight." I said.
I shut my eyes and concentrated on Grayson's dragon Zubla-khan as everything turned white....

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