Chapter 15

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Drake's POV
I felt myself fuse back together as I pulled the Fiery Sword from its pedestal. A golden light emitted from the sword, filling me with warmth. I shut my eyes as the power flowed through my body and I felt whole. When I opened my eyes again, the light faded. I felt different.
I looked into the water....
....and my left eye was a normal blue.
I simply stared at my reflection. The sword had gotten rid of Him from my body! Not only that, my outfit had changed too. On top of my normal clothes was the sacred armor! I had shimmering silvery blue gauntlets, shoulder pads, chest plate, knee guards, elbow guards, boots, and a flowing, medium length red cape.
(Picture Jean from RWBY)
I looked up and notice that dawn was breaking on the horizon. The others would be awake soon. I held the Fiery Sword in my right hand as I made my way back to our camp.
Hopefully they didn't notice I was gone.

Boy, was I wrong.

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