Chapter 13

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Drake's POV
I couldn't believe it. The Fiery Sword, here and intact. The Goddess appeared next to me.
I was at a loss for words.
"H-how did you-?"
She shushed me with her finger over my lips.
"I collected what was left of the sword from Ironmere, and my brother took Andruin from Grayson while you were all asleep. He is clever that way." she giggled.
"If you don't mind me asking, who's your brother?" I asked.
Suddenly, a flash of aqua appeared, and a young man stood before us. He was bald and had a short, black beard. He wore a brown shirt, grey pants, black shoes, and a red cape. His eyes were a deep brown and filled with a gentle kindness like his sister's. The Goddess gestured to the man.
"Drake , this is my brother, the one who helped create your world: Notch."
Again, I was speechless. I zoned out, just staring at the two powerful beings. A throbbing pain in my left arm brought me back to reality.
I winced slightly. Notch placed his hand on my injured arm, and the pain disappeared. My arm became completely healed.
"G-gee, thanks. It really is a true honor to meet you." I thanked.
"I am always willing to aid a kind soul." his deep voice said. Notch's expression became serious.
"The two that are one" he said, "The time has come for you to take up your brother's sword. The dark is getting stronger, and soon it shall surpass our own strength. You are destined to wield this sword. Our faith lies in your hands." Notch and the Goddess disappeared in a flash of light and I was left alone with the sword. I heard their voices floating softly around me.

"Stones of power and sword in hand
Destroy the darkness across this land
A promise made by dragon's breath
And bring back what was stolen by the hands of Death"

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