Chapter 4

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Cobalt's POV
After we finished our story, Grayson and Mia put away their weapons. They looked really embarrassed.
"Well..uh...sorry for not trusting you guys." he said as they watched us fuse back into Drake....
Drake's POV
"It's understandable. In this world, you can't really trust anyone but yourself, so you were right to be suspicious."I said. Grayson looked at me.
"Still, you need to be careful. If that part of Him can unfuse you, it means He's getting stronger. Which also means Armen is growing weaker."
At the mention of my brother's name, I grew even more worried. Armen was being controlled by Him...just like how Colin once was. Armen has become a puppet and now it's his face that people are fearing. I felt myself grow enraged...
"Then let's get a move on. We can't stop now!" I said with DETERMINATION.

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