Chapter 21

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Rosestar's POV
The light died away as we came in from the teleport. As my vision came back, I heard a man's voice.
"Drake you're back!"
Then a woman's voice.
"Wait, who's the girl?"
I blinked several times as I saw a man with blonde hair and emerald eyes, an elf with pink eyes, and another man with purple hair. I felt Drake's hand on my shoulder.
"Everyone, this is Rosestar. She was the reason I had to go for a few days. She was close to death, so I had to heal her." Drake said.
I waved nervously. The blonde man walked up to me and smiled.
"My name is Grayson. This is my dragon Zubla-khan." he gestured to the small Ender dragon on his shoulder.
"I'm Mia!" the elf said happily.
"Luke." said the purple haired man as he shook my hand.
Grayson spied my weapon strapped to my belt.
"Ooh! What kind of weapon is that?" he asked, very interested.
I unhooked it and showed it to the group.
"It's a spiked chain. The blade is a custom fusion of garnet, manulin, steel, and coated with reinforced white gold. I forged it myself." I blushed. "It's enchanted to never break and is super powerful against the undead."
I showed them my name on one of the chain links.
"Rosestar Everthorne" Mia read aloud.
Luke's eyes widened.
"You're the daughter of Dwane Everthorne, the greatest blacksmith in Minecraftia!!" he grinned. "Your dad is known to craft weapons that are fit for the gods! You have to tell me, what's he doing now?" Luke asked.
I looked away.
"He's dead. My family and my village were turned to bloody cinders." I spoke softly.
Luke's face became ashen with grief.
"I-I'm sorry."
"No, you didn't know. It's ok." I said.
I felt Mia slip her hand into mine.
"Why don't you tell us all about you while we walk?" she asked.
I nodded.

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