Chapter 7

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Armen's POV
Like an animal.
Like a prisoner.
That's all I've become. I can't get out. I can't do anything. All I can do is watch. Watch as the world I love is destroyed by my possessed body. All of those innocent people brutally turned into piles of ashes. He has been holding me captive in my mind; my spirit too weak to fight back. My wrists are bound in black chains that attach to the floor. My clothes, torn and scorched. I fear for Drake and Grayson. All I do is sit in this nether-rack cell. I did manage to contact Drake and tell him what I learned about the past. I was thinking about my friends when He teleported into my cell.
"What do you want this time?" I growled.
"Oh, acting brave now, are we?" He sneered.
He stepped forward and grabbed my neck, forcing me to stand. I tried to tear His hands away from my throat, but I could only struggle helplessly against His grip.
"Ah, ah, ah. You wouldn't want me to break it now would you?" He threatened with a smirk and threw me down on the ground. I held my throat as I gasped and coughed, air returning to my lungs. I felt tears form in my eyes. He laughed villainously.
"Everyday I become stronger, and you become weaker. Soon I will not need your pathetic mortal vessel, and I will become so powerful, I will be called a god! Just know, I keep you around so that I can watch you suffer as I kill your beloved friends." With that, He vanished from my prison. I brought my knees to my chest and cried quietly. I knew I couldn't save them. I did the one thing I knew I could.
"Please, Goddess" I prayed. "Protect my friends from the darkness. They're the only family I have left."
I finished my prayer and curled up on the floor to sleep. Before I shut my eyes, a single tear slid down my cheek.

Suddenly, I heard Grayson's voice.

"I think I'm gonna name it...."

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