Chapter Two - Chloe's Fan

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Seth's POV
I'm sitting in the passenger seat in Dean's car. Roman's in the back and Dean is driving. We're on our way to meet with our fans. I'm surprised we even have fans. I mean all of us are heels, usually the WWE universe doesn't really like the heels.

I look over at Dean; he looks horrible. Ever since Chloe disappeared, Dean hasn't been acting the same. He sleeps in later than he should, and he's going to the gym. He never goes to the gym, he usually does exercises in the desert. He thinks gyms are overrated. But I can tell he desperately misses Chloe. I feel bad for him. I know he wants to save her, but he can't. He doesn't know where she is, none of us do.

Don't get me wrong, I want to help Dean out, but I can't. There's no possible way to find her. We can't go to the police because this is just starting a storyline for WWE, but it's a personal one, though, it shouldn't be.

Anyways, Dean has these bags under his eyes that show sleepless nights. His eyes aren't his normal sparkling blues. They're pools of gray. And he hasn't cracked a smile once. I feel the uttermost sadness for him. I just wish I could help.

Dean parks the car at the Target building. All three of us get out of the car, and we follow security into the building. He pass hundreds of fans, until we get to our little table. I sit on the far left, Roman on the far right, and Dean in the middle. We each place our titles on the table behind us.

"Dean, smile when you meet the fans, okay." I demand him. Just because he's suffering, doesn't mean he should inflict others because of what he's feeling.

"Yeah, sure." Dean shrugs his shoulders.

The first fan walks up. He's a chubbier kid, but super sweet. He's wearing one of our Shield shirts. He also has greasy blonde hair. He takes awhile to talk to Roman, I'm guessing Reigns is his favorite hound of justice. The three of us sign a Battle Pack the the kid brought. It has Me and Roman with the Tag-Teams titles. The boy thanks us, and walks off.

Our next fan is a woman. She doesn't seem to be more than five years older than us. She has beautiful red hair, a lot like Eva Marie's, and hazel eyes. She hugs each of us, very excited to personally meet us. She explains why we're her favorite faction. I tell her thank you and she walks off with the biggest smile in this room.

I look up from signing a couple more pictures of the Shield to be met with a girl, who looks like someone I know. Dean seems to notice it too as he tenses beside me.

This is going to be bad.


Anonymous POV
I take my lovely iPhone SE out and click on Chekered Sheep's contact. I need to tell him how well our plan is working out! Dean's miserable, just they way I wanted it. And Chloe is also suffering! What good news I have to share.

Him and I actually been working on this plan ever since Dean came to WWE. Him and I are kind of the creators of the plan, only one other person knows about this plan, well, and his minions, as he likes to call them. He's the one who's actually keeping Chloe captive.

Also, Seth, he's doing alright. I mean I can't tell if he's hurt by the situation, he should be, though. Him and Chloe were kind of close. But whenever I talk to him about Chloe, his eyes go blank. They show no emotion.

Roman's a different story. Around Seth and Dean, he seems like a total wreck, but away from them, he seems as happy as can be; I know why.

When I talk to Dean about Chloe, his eyes flood with sentiment. I see love, fear, worry, and hurt. There are many more, but there's too much to list. I'm a little confused with the hurt. Does he feel like this is his fault someway? Of course it is! He brought this upon himself and Chloe!

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