Chapter 21 - Heart Break

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Roman's POV

Sure, you can call me a dick. Or crazy. But you have to admit, I'm not as crazy as the Lunatic Fringe himself. He's out there! He's all in his head! First off, he was in CZW, one of the craziest wrestling companies in the world! Secondly, he lied to Chloe.

Pathetic. He's pathetic.

He lied to Chloe about who he is and his love to her. Trust me, I knew Dean loved her the whole entire time! I knew he didn't care about Renee! I knew Renee was one of his variables in his little experiment to find out if Chloe got jealous. But news flash Dean! She fell for me.

You see, ladies like devilishly handsome men. I'm one of those men, if you can't tell. They also like men who are strong and can protect them from the strange  creators in the outside world. Woman love men who don't lie. I didn't lie to Dean. I didn't lie to Seth. And more importantly, I didn't lie to Chloe.

Last but not least, Dean went through this for Chloe. Who in their right mind would go through this... This maze for someone they love? I know for sure I wouldn't! My life isn't worth risking for someone else's! This makes Dean a lunatic! Risking his precious life for Chloe.

Sure, he wants to tell Chloe his love for her and take away all the lies that has ever rolled off his lips. Is it really worth it? Is your life 100 percent worth to confess your love for someone?

I think not.

You see, I would do none of this for Renee. She's the least person I need to worry about. Sure, I say I love you, but do I really mean it?

Hmm, maybe.

Renee's a special girl. She deserves a lot more then she has now. But the fact is, she's mine and she's not going to escape my claws that I have on her. No. There is no possible way.

Right now, Chloe, Dean, and Seth are thinking that I'm the bad guy. Am I really, though? If they were to think about it, Dean is the bad guy here. I'm more like the hero.

The three of them wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for Dean lying to Chloe.

And I'm the hero because I took Chloe away from the reality. She's with me now. She's playing my game.

"Enjoying the movie?" Renee's voice asks behind me.

I turn to face her and smile. "Sure am."

"Good." She smiles. "When are we starting Phase Four?"

I turn back to my monitors and reply, "As soon as Gabriel force feeds Chloe her medicine."

I am pleased to see what's going on as I watch the monitors. Gabriel is beating his daughter like no tomorrow, and Bray is making Dean watch the whole seen.

Terror and guilt are drawn all over Dean's face. What a lovely sight to see! I'm glad he feels like this is his fault because it is!

"What medicine?" Renee asks, her hands on my shoulders, massaging them.

"The medicine to pass her out.... So you know what him and I can do."

"Oh, yeah!" She cheers. "I forgot. I'm so stupid."

I quickly turn around and look at her. "No you're not! You're the smartest girl I know!"

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