Chapter 19 - Cracked

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Dean's POV

I sit and wait. Is it on the floor as I wait for Chloe to appear. Looking at the floor, I sigh. Chloe is more than likely not moving. She maybe too scared to go looking for me or Seth. And I totally understand that. She's been through thick and thin. Between her father, love for me, and now, Bray Wyatt.

Looking around here, I do get why she would be too scared. There's mice running around, the smell is unbearable. Almost like mold and rotting rodents. There's mice feces scattered around the hallways or corridors. Not only that, but weird creaking sounds. Like a person or even an animal is walking behind you, but there's nothing there.

I rake my hand through my already messy, knotty, greasy hair and look back at the glass wall. Smudge spots stand where I touched the glass. Squinting my eyes, I look closer through the glass and see a shadow.

Did I see that before?

The shadow seems to shake slightly, but I can't make out what it is. Other shadows join with the lightly shaking silhouette.

I stand from the floor and take a couple strides to the wall. I squish my face against the glass to maybe see better. The figure seems to be sitting on a crate. It's legs dangle from the crate and are swinging back and forth.

"Hey!" I yell, banging my fists on the glass. The person doesn't budge.

Rolling my eyes, Roman's voice speaks through the intercom. "Dean, the glass is soundproof. Whatever it is you're yelling at, it can't hear you."

I ignore him and keep yelling and keep pounding on the glass, hoping the glass will break or the dark shadow will hear me and look my way.

"Idiot," Roman growls and the intercom clicks off.

I begin looking around the small space I'm in, trying to piece out a way where I can break this glass. Roman told me, not too long ago, that I'll need to somehow break down this wall to ever get Chloe back or, like Roman has stated, her 'birthday present' will get her.

My eyes catch a metal rod, much like the one Roman beat me with for touching Chloe. I snatch it from the floors grasp and try bending it in my hands.

"Ha! It won't break!" I cheer quietly.

I take a step towards the wall, taking a deep breath through my mouth, and exhaling it from my nose. Closing my eyes, I swing the rod like a baseball bat. It hits the glass with a loud shriek! My hands immediately let go of the rod as it flys from my hands and straight towards my face. It hits me directly in the nose, making a cracking sound. The rod drops to the floor, settling back in the floors grip. My hands fly to my nose as pain shoots up into my head and dark red liquid seeps from my nostrils.

"Son of a bitch!" I yell, stumbling backwards a little. My back hits the wall, reassuring me it can hold me upright.

"Wow! Nice work Dean!" Roman's loud voice booms from the intercom on the ceiling. "You did absolutely no damage to the glass!" I can hear the smug look on his face.

"Yeah, thanks," I say sarcastically, but it's hard to understand as the blood flows into my mouth.

"No problem," Roman says and the intercom beeps off.

Sighing, I think of another idea. I could possible use my fists! I wipe the blood off my face with the back of my hand. I take a step back and lift my fist. I take a deep breath and hold it. I swing my fist as hard as I can and it hits the glass with loud crack! I let out my breath in a hissing sound as I realize that it wasn't the grass that broke, but my hand. I clutch my hand to my chest, trying to summon the pain to go down; it doesn't.

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