Chapter 10 - Realizing

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Seth's POV

I look behind Dean as he pulls out his phone, which scared us both with its ringing. Dean accepts the Facetime call from Chloe.

"Hello?" He says softly. He takes a moment to look at the screen, realizing that the screen is showing the same room we're in now.

Not wanting to wait for Dean's dumb brain to make out what is happening, I take off. I walk off, not really caring if Dean's by himself. He's a lunatic for God's sake! I'm pretty sure he can handle his own around her.

I walk off in the opposite direction we were headed, so directly behind us. I stumble on objects around the enormous room. There are many things on the floor, surprisingly. There are kitchen utensils and many random things.

From the beginning, this whole arena gave me the creeps, not to mention, the Eater of Worlds is also in this building, I think. The building has no working lights at this moment and it seems to be thunder storming outside, I can hear the rain pounding against the roof and the thunder clap in the sky.

Minutes later, I come across a lit room. I cross my eyebrows together, confused about the bright light lighting the room. I slowly walk over to the room, peeking my head into it, making sure that there isn't going to be a murderer that is going to jump out at me and stab me multiple times in the stomach.

I sigh in relief as there is no crazy guy holding a knife in the room. I walk into the room tripping over a rug.

"Hmm?" I shrug my shoulders and carry on with my mysterious journey. I keep wandering on until I reach the end of the little room. I frown, that's it? Nothing cool?

Along the walls are tiny wooden shelves filled with dust, nothing too interesting. I drag my finger on one of the shelves collecting dust. "Fuck!" I yell, pulling my finger away from the shelves. I look closely at my finger and frown. "Ouch," I say, pulling out a big splinter from my index finger. I wipe the dust from my finger and onto my pants. I put my finger in my mouth, sucking on it to make it feel better.

I tense up, still with my finger in my mouth, as the single light bulb goes off. I suck my finger harder, waiting in anticipation for what might happen next. "Dean?" I mumble, my finger still in my mouth. I wait for a response but get nothing.

Well, shit.

Walking as slowly as I can, I take deep breaths. Who turned off the lights? Am I going to die?

Something about five feet in front of me falls and shatters on the floor. I jump about 10 feet in the air and fall on my butt; taking my finger out of my mouth. I shake my head, to start to register what really is happening. Without hurrying, I begin crawling away from the mess a couple feet in front of me. Once I'm far enough, I stop crawling and get up. I take a huge breath, and was going to begin walking again, that is until I hear a soft chuckle come from behind me.

"Seth...." the voice chuckles, getting closer to me.

I let out a whimper as my bottom lip begins to tremble. I start sprinting with my hands in fists and my arms pumping at my sides. Once again, I fall to the floor as I just ran into a wall head first. "Owww," I complain, rubbing my forehead.

I carefully stand up from the floor, making sure not to get myself dizzy. After a minute of rubbing my head and trying to catch my breath, I feel breathing on the back of my neck. I tense up, not moving. Maybe this guy is like a T-Rex, maybe he won't see you unless you move?

I thought wrong. The person's hand clasps on my mouth and his other hand snakes around my waist, pulling me backward. I scream and kick, but nothing seems to stop his rapid pace. I finally give up, accepting my fate.

The person keeps dragging me until we've exited the room. He drops me to floor and I quickly scramble away to a safe corner in the bigger room with the random objects on the floor. I hear heavy footsteps walk towards me, and I begin to shake my head once again. "Not today, please," I plead with the complete stranger. "Don't kill me!" I close my eyes, not wanting to expect what might happen next.

I hear the person chuckle once again, this time, deeper. It's definitely a man's laugh.

The footsteps stop right in front of me. Oh, God.

"Any last words before I kill you?" The man whispers in my face. I shake my head, and the guy laughs some more. "Open your eyes." He demands, and continues. "I want to see the fear in your orbs as I bring the knife down into your stomach."

I slowly open my eyes and gasp. I look at the scene in front of me. Dean's standing there, his face in front of mine, and his phone is under his chin so it lights up his features like he's telling a ghost story.

Dean throws his head back and begins to laugh. He grabs his stomach as it moves with his heavy laughter. "You should have seen your face, Seth! It was priceless!"

I roll my eyes at him as I get up off the floor. "Thanks a lot, Ambrose. You made me almost shit my pants."

Dean chuckles once again. "That was my plan."

"Yeah, whatever. Shouldn't we be looking for Chloe?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

Dean sighs, "Yeah, we should." He sticks his hand in his front pocket and begins to fumble around with something.

"Dean, what's that?" I ask, eyeing his pocket.

He puts his phone in his back pocket with his other hand. He shrugs his shoulders. "Something for Chloe." He sniffles. "That's if I ever find her."

I walk over to Dean and place my hands on each of his shoulders. I look into his eyes as I say, "You will, Dean. But I want to know something." I pause until I have his full attention. "Why?"


Dean's POV

"Why?" He asks, looking straight into my tired eyes.

I look away from him. That question isn't fair! I don't know why, but I do know why. I don't want to tell him.

"It doesn't matter," I say, but it comes out as, "She's the type of girl a guy—me—meets when he's too young, and he ducks up because there's too much living to do. But later he realizes she's perfect."

I feel Seth's hands drop from my shoulders.

What I said was completely true. I was too young when I met her to know what love was. I was too young to realize that she is the one for me. I was too young to know that one day, I was going to fuck up....everything. But the thing is, you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.

"Let me tell you another thing." Seth looks down and whispers, "If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it."

He's right. I can never keep Chloe out of my head. I need to find her right away. "Let's go."

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