Chapter Nine - Seth Too?

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Chloe's POV

I sigh as I look down at my phone, which I'm tossing back and forth in each of my hands. Roman unchained me and let me have my phone. The three of them said they had to go do something really quick and that they'd be right back. But what really struck me is that they said if I wanted to go, I could. If I wanted to call the police, I could. But I won't. I won't because of three things:

1. They could be tricking me. There could be traps hidden all over this place or even the room I'm trapped in now.

2. If I were to call the cops, who would believe that a WWE Diva got kidnapped by another WWE Superstar? The police officer would more than likely think it's part of the storyline I'm in.

Now that I think about it, was this the storyline that Stephanie was talking about when I first came to the WWE? I mean, it kinda makes sense. But the other part doesn't. Is this even a storyline to begin with, or does this have to deal with personal issues? Because I don't think I have any issues with Bray, or at least I didn't have any issues with him until now.

3. Dean Ambrose.

Dean Ambrose is looking for me throughout this building or whatever it is! One thing's for sure, I do not want him to be looking for me when the cops come. What if he doesn't notice and he keeps searching for me? For the rest of his life he would carry that burden around: Never finding me.

And this Dean Ambrose guy, whoever he is--he's confusing--made me basically forget about Jon Moxley. I barely remember the guy! Is that a bad thing? Dean, he's someone special. He made me basically forget about the person I fell in love with. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but I know for sure that he made me forget about the numbness Jon gave me. Though at times Dean would bring up situations with me and Jon, and though Dean would be extremely rude to me at times, Dean is Dean, and nothing will ever change that.

But how could I forget about Seth? Or Paige?

Seth, he's the highlight of my day! He's the best friend anyone could ask for! He's always by your side and is super trustworthy. He can me a little mean, but isn't everyone at times? He's really a sweet thing and any girl would be lucky to have him as her boyfriend. If there's one thing I know for sure, he knows how to treat women! He used to tell me all these dates he would plan out to take his future girlfriend. He would ask me if he needed to change anything, fix anything that didn't seem like a right fit to the date. But every single time he asked me, I would reply with a simple no. The dates that he has planned out are the most perfect ones on the planet. If I were his girlfriend, I think I would die with an overload of perfectness. The things he comes up with are such goals that I can barely believe that a grown man has come up with the activities and dates. He's got me shaking my head. 

And Paige. I remember. I want to know somethings, though. Is she still Divas champion? If so, when I'm fully healed, I'm going to get my rematch with her at WrestleMania. I will become the Divas champion. I will be the best there has ever been. Everyone will respect me. Everyone will bow down to me, no matter what.


Dean's POV

I throw my head back against the wall. It was wonderful to hear Chloe's voice just once more. It is a wonderful feeling to know that the woman you fell in love with is still alive. Though I saw all the hurt, pain, fear, and weakness in her eyes. I just know that she's alive, and that's all I care about at this moment.

Chloe will be saved tonight, if not tonight, then tomorrow. She needs to be saved in the next 24 hours, if not, who knows that Bray is going to do to her. I swear to god, if that man lays one finger on my Chlo, he will get it, and I'm not just saying that. I will save my darling, and I will confess my love to her.

Not only that, I need to make sure she is more than okay. I need to ask her over and over again. I also need to feel her silky, brown hair between my fingers. I need those beautiful eyes to light up with happiness, not sadness. I need her to know that every fiber in my wellbeing is sorry for what pain I have caused her. I am so sorry for lying to her. Maybe if I didn't, we wouldn't be in this mess.   

"That was crazy," Seth says, his words breathless.

I nod my head slowly.

"Why'd she just decide to contact us now?" Seth says, stating a good point. "If she had her phone the whole time she was gone, why didn't she call us to tell where she is? Or why didn't she just call the cops?"

I straighten my head back so now that it's not leaning against the wall behind me. I open my eyes and wipe y sweaty hair out of my eyes. "Seth," I sigh, "I don't know."

Seth rolls his eyes at me.

"Come on, let's just keep looking," I say, standing up and shoving my phone in my back pocket.

"No. I'm not going to keep looking for Chloe," Seth says rather rudely. I look at the guy like he's crazy. "We've been searching for her for about two hours, Dean. If we haven't found her by now, then we'll never find her." 

My jaw drops. "Seth, I know she's in here I can feel it."

He scoffs before saying, "Dean, maybe your gut is wrong. Don't believe everything you feel to be true. How can you be so dumb?"

This time, I scoff at him. "Hey, it was my idea to even look here to find Chloe. And you know what? You didn't have to come with me! You could have stayed home and let dark thoughts about Chloe rotten your brain, Seth. You honestly didn't have to come!" Seth stays quiet. "That's what I thought, now let's go."

Seth follows after me down another corridor in this unknown arena. I try making the flashlight work again, but there was no use. The only light that we have are the emergency lights and the EXIT signs on the top of doorways.

You know, this sucks. I have no clue where Chloe is, and I'm just guessing as Seth and I walk along. I wish this was easier, I wish I didn't even lie to Chloe. I was such a dick.

"Dean, hold up. I saw something move in that room," Seth whispers to the side of me.

I look in the direction that he's looking at. I wait a moment until I see an object move in the room. "Chloe," I mumble and begin to walk to the room.

I hear Seth's footsteps follow behind me. I enter the room slowly, making sure to look around to see of there are any signs of life. I notice that this room is bigger than the other rooms I've looked into. Though I can't see much, I know that it goes out farther. I see silhouettes of types of furniture and poster.

Seth walks in front of me, taking cautious steps. I walk backwards so I can see if anything will appear behind us. The room smells of dust and old couches. It's damp in the room like it just stopped raining.

Seth and I both jump at the sound of my phone ringing again.

"Jesus Christ," Seth breathes, holding onto his chest for dear life.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket to see Chloe trying to FaceTIme me again. I answer as quickly as possible. "Hello?" I whisper, too afraid to talk any louder.

I look more closely at the phone's screen and recognize the background. It looks like the room that we're in now. I turn to face Seth behind me, but as I do so, I notice Seth has gone missing.

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