Chapter Six - Sellout

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Renee's POV

I laughed as Bray showed Dean he had Chloe. I laughed at the saddened and worried face of Dean's, it was priceless! Nothing can beat that face he made throughout the promo. Then, I just couldn't control myself. I cried happy tears when Roman finally hit Seth in the back with a metal chair. When Dean looked from Seth to Roman, I was practically sobbing. His look of confusement and anger took me! After Dean's face of confusement, came the face of pain. Not only did Roman stab Seth in the back, but he stabbed Dean in the back. I almost fainted out of joy! 

I grab a mic from the table next to me and walk through the curtain from the gorilla. The crowd is pretty silent with the new music that is rippling throughout the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your new Diva, Renee Young!" Roman yells down a mic. I smile at his precious voice, and bring my own mic up to my mouth.

"Thanks, Reigns," I say, looking at him from the ramp. "WWE Universe, please welcome me! You heard the Superman!" I yell, but all I get is a couple boos.

I roll my eyes and make my way down the ramp, in my wrestling gear, I might add. I hop up on the ring apron, and walked into the ring. I pass Seth and give him a soft kick to the head. He groans a little, his head obviously sensitive. I walk over to Roman who's standing over Dean with the chair still glued to his hands.

"Goodjob," I say to Roman and kiss his cheek. He smiles proudly. I bend down to Dean and whisper in his ear, "I got over you pretty quickly, as you can see." He grunts in response. "I'm part of this plan, Ambrose. I'm paying Bray Wyatt to keep little Chloe, and my money is pretty worth it. I mean seeing you full of pain and worry is the best." I chuckle and stand back up. I face the crowd and smirk. "This was my plan! My plan was to make your precious little Kylie disappear. That happened. My next plan of action was to break up the most powerful faction in the WWE, the Shield. Now that is said and done!" The crowd boos me, so I just shrug them off.

"Renee, Baby Girl, you did great," Roman says, catching my attention. I turn around to face him. "But, you forgot one more thing."

"What's that?"

"You forgot to add that along the way, you fell in love with a silent badass."

I smirk at his addition to my very true story. I step onto Dean's back, making him sucking in a painful breath. I wrap my arms around Roman's neck, and Roman snakes his arms around my waist. He pulls me close to him, our bodies melded together. Roman crashes his lips into mine, and my legs begin to weaken. Dean never had this effect on me.


Dean's POV

I'm face down on the mat with Renee standing on my back. It's actually really painful, considering a chair has been smashed into my back about a thousand times. It's probably already bruised.

I can hear very well, so I'm not surprised to hear lips smacking together. I can't believe that Renee and Roman were behind all of this. It makes no sense! What did I ever do to them? Well, I broke up with Renee, but I didn't think it'd have this effect on her. I thought she'd run straight for Seth, guess not. Did she use Seth and I to get to Roman? I wouldn't doubt it now, after all the things she has  said and done.

But now I can't stop thinking about how Seth feels. I mean, he lost someone he loved, Renee. He treated Renee with such respect and love that I really thought that they'd get married in about a year, but I was wrong. I feel so bad for my brother, it's making my heart ache for him.

I find the strength to roll out from underneath Renee's feet. I roll out of the ring, leaving Roman and Renee to themselves, showing the WWE Universe how much they 'love' each other. I limp to the other side of the ring and help Seth exit the 20 by 20 ring. We both begin to limp up the ramp together, but stop after we have gotten a few feet away from the ring.

"Wait, I forgot to add one more thing," Renee's evil voice rings through my ears. "Seth, I'm breaking up with you." I hear her drop the mic from behind, and Seth just drops his head.

We finally arrived behind backstage and arrived in our dressing room. Seth's sitting on the couch, his head still down. He's playing with his fingers in his lap. I don't think Seth will ever be the same again.

I sit next to him and put my arm over his shoulder, in a brotherly way. "Hey, man. It's going to be okay."

He chuckles, not believing me. "You know it's not going to be okay. I know it's not going to be okay." He looks at me, his eyes filled with heartbreak and distress. "Roman trashed the Shield, Renee broke up with me, and now I don't think we'll ever find Chloe!"

"Hey," I say softly. "That's not true, we'll find Chloe, I promise you." He sighs and shakes his head. "Wait, Chloe is in the arena now! How else would Bray be able to record live from somewhere else?"

Seth looks at me, hope now filling his eyes. "You're right, we need to go find Chloe."

With that, we both jump off the couch, forgetting about our injuries Roman gave us. With all this adrenaline running through my veins, I feel like anything can happen. I feel that I will find Chloe tonight.


Chloe's POV

Because of my wrestling experience, the guy that kidnapped me was shooting a promo. And he said Dean. He was talking to Dean. This means I'm at one of the arenas, somewhere in the world. Dean better catch on with what's going on here, he better be searching the area's every corner and crevice.

"Little Abigail, let me introduce myself," the man says, as he turns away from the camera; turning it off.

I roll my eyes. It's about time.

"My name is Bray Wyatt, we've never met before, but I'm a WWE Superstar. I had my eye on you ever since you debuted. But I never took action until a little plan was made to destroy your life." He chuckles, and was going to continue, but someone bursts through the curtain in front of me and Bray.

Bray turns around and my eyes dart to the intruder. I sigh in relief as I see Roman's tall figure. "Roman," I breath, tired and a little sick. "Save me."

He glances at me and shakes his head. I begin to question why he's here, but I soon find my answer when Renee steps out of the shadows.

He's not here to save me, he is part of the plan that Bray was talking about.

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