Chapter 20 - Chloe's Present

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Gabriel's POV

I stare down at her. My heart racing. My mind blown to pieces. I can't believe how much she's grown.

Her now wavy, brown hair flows to the small of her back. Her body perfect with large breasts and a nice bubbly ass. Her face is flawless with those emerald green eyes staring up at me with fear, which gets me excited to have my Chloe. Her cheek bones natural with blush. And may I not forget about her pink, plump, delicious lips I'd love to taste again, and feel on me.

Looking at her gets me aroused. I want to feel, touch her, and hear her soft moans once again. Though she's said she's never liked what I did to her, I could see her eyes. They were swimming with love and lust for me.

Chloe believes she still has her virginity, but reality check, sweetie. I took it! I am the right owner of her virginity. I am proud to have taken it the way I've taken it. Not even Jon knows that I took it. He was gone at the time preparing for an old wrestling match. I told her not to tell him or there'd be serious consequences.

"Chloe, sweetie, why are you looking away from me! You should be look straight at the man who's taken care of you your whole life!" I yell, slapping my hands together, causing her to flinch.

She locks her eyes with mine. She reminds me so much like her mother, Angelina. "Sorry, Father," she mumbles.

"That's what I thought," I give her a sweet smile. "Now, stand up and follow me."

"Father, I can't," her words tremble.

"Why can't you?" I look down at her legs underneath we her body. "You seem to be fine!"

She looks behind her. "Dean," she whispers putting her hand on the glass where Jon's is on the other side. "I can't leave him."

"Of course you can! You've already done it!" I yell, getting tired of her not following my directions. What has living with Jon done to her? She used to follow my orders like a dog!

She drops her hand and it falls limp at her side. She looks back at me, fear and sadness swimming in her green balls of light. "I'm not going to leave him for a second time, Father. He's coming with us," she demands.

I chuckle. "Is this a game to you?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "Why not? When I was with you, you thought everything was a game!"

"I did not."

"You did to!" She raises her voice at me, which is not what she should be doing to her father. The one who raised her from the beginning because her bitch of a mother was too weak to survive labor! "Don't you remember?" She asks, her green balls of light turning to darkness as tears flood them.

"Remember what?" I clench my jaw.

She scoffs and shakes her head. "I'm sure you remember, but I'll remind your dumbass brain." She smiles sweetly, mocking me. "Remember when we used to play 'Simon Says' or should I say 'Daddy Says'?"

I start shaking of anger. She should not be bringing this up! "Chloe Grey! I told you not to speak of that!"

"Too bad, Father." She gives me a devilish grin. "Sometimes abusers don't always get what they want."

My fists clench and unclench. "I am not your abuser! I am your Father!"

She holds her hand up. "You don't get to say that. That title does not fit you. You don't deserve that title!" She tells, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You were never my father! You were never there! You would always be at the bars getting drunk as hell! You would bang women for no reason but to just fulfill your needs! You don't care about anything or anyone but yourself! And don't forget! Once you were done fucking your fellow bar buddies, you'd come home and screw me!" She stand up on shaky legs, and walks towards me. She jabs a finger at my chest. "Did you ever regret what you did to me? Do you ever wonder how much pain that caused me?"

I slap her hand away. She should not be touching me. "I did none of those things to you, Chloe!"

"Oh! Don't be foolish, Father!" She rolls her eyes. "You remember every detail don't you?" She looks at me, evil flooding from her tears. "You remember every single detail of what you did to me, how you did it, what it felt like! Most importantly, how I reacted! Didn't it just turn you on? The fear in my eyes? The fear filled screams? The way I hit and punched you? Did all those things make you hard?" She pushes.

I get the urge to slap her. Her head twists when my hand makes contact with her cheek. "Don't dare talk to me like that, young lady!" I shout at her. "I'm your father, you should be thanking me for protecting you your whole life!"

She stops rubbing her cheek when these words fly out of my mouth. "You! You protected me?" She laughs. "No Father, you did not. Jonathan was the one who protected me my whole life! Not your shitty ass!" She jabs another one of her fingers at me, but more forcefully. "And you know what? Every night when I shut my eyes, I see you standing over me! I hate sleeping! I hate the dark! All I can see is you!" Tears rapidly fall from her eyes at an unwilling rate. "You wanna know something else? I should have never left Jon! Jon was my life, my other half, my love! The least I deserve is to be with him now, and not you!" She takes her shaking hand and slaps me with it, hard.

Sucking in a breath, I grab her and drag her down the hallway, Erik and Luke following after me with their victim, Seth Rollins.

"Let me go!" Chloe yells as she thrashes in my grip. "You're crazy son-of-a-bitch aren't you? What was your fathers name? The Zodiac Killer?"

I tighten my grip on her wrists, making her scream out in pain.


Dean's POV

"Roman you fucker!" I yell, standing up from the ground and looking up at the intercom. "Why in the hell would you bring her father into this?"

The intercoms beeps on. "It wasn't my idea, it was her brothers!" He chuckles, amused by the idea. "Brilliant, wasn't it?"

"Fuck you, Roman." I spit, making sure to put every ounce of hate in my words. "I hope I see you in hell."

He scoffs. "I'm sure you will. See you then, Ambrose." She speaker beeps off and I'm left with silence.

Roman is a fucking idiot. Gabriel has done so many mean and disgusting things to Chloe, it's unbelievable. I know he's done other things to her that I don't know about, and frankly, I'm not sure if I want to know. He's a disgusting man that has the weirdest urges. He needs to be stopped and go to jail. I should have put him behind bars when I had the chance.

The intercom clicks back on. "Aw, did you here that, Ambrose?" Roman's voice asks.

"No, what?"

"Chloe still loves you.... Well, Jon that is."

I bite my tongue to keep from smiling. "Good for her. But I'm not worried about that! I just want to know what her father is going to do to her!"

"Trust me, you'll see soon."

I raise my eyebrows. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Dean, Phase Four is starting, can't you tell?" Roman informs.

I look back at the glass wall to see Chloe being dragged by her father farther down the corridor.

"Let her go!" I yell, punching the wall with my good hand.

"No, Dean. You failed. You didn't complete what you were supposed to do. And now, it's your turn to be hauled away."

"What?" I look up at the speaker, confused as to what he meant.

My question is soon answered as another wall comes sliding down from the ceiling and trapping me in a small space. "Let me out!" I yell on the top of my lungs, almost popping them like balloons.

"No can do!" Roman explains in a cheery voice.

The speaker clicks off and foggy air starts seeping out of the ceiling. "What is this?" I whisper to myself.

Soon enough, my question is answered once again. The foggy air surrounds me and I have no choice but to breathe it in.

My eyes slowly shut and I become dizzy. I loose my balance and fall on the hard floor.

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