The Readers Choice

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Hey guys, I wanted to ask you a question!

Should I do one more chapter? Or should I do two more?

To finish this book, I can only write 1 to 2 chapters to finish Finding Chloe.

So, I'm asking all of you! 1 or 2 more chapters? Please don't be afraid to comment! Don't be shy! 😋 I want to hear all of your opinions!

And secondly, there is going to be a third book! The third book is called: Finally Finding Love.

The book is dedicated to 1D_Luver_13Xx

She's been super supportive throughout my whole journey on writing this series. She's voted and commented on almost every chapter of this book and Finding Jon Moxley. I appreciate everything that you have done to help these books! 💞 I would love to thank you for your support! Much love! 😘

I'm not sure when I'll be publishing Finally Finding Love. Well, it's obviously going be after I've completed this book, but I'm not sure how many days after I'm going to publish that book after I complete this one.... If that makes any sense? 😂

Oh! One more thing! I would love to have cover suggestions! I have hard times making covers because I want them to look good, but it's hard because I don't know how to make them look good... 😂 So any suggestions would help me tons! But, if you like the covers now, I'll leave them be and make the third book's cover like the first and second book! Comment or message me! ❤️

If you have any questions, comment or message me! ✌🏼️

Finding Chloe •{Dean Ambrose FanFic}•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt