Chapter 18 - Glass Separates

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Seth's POV

Walking, more like running, down the corridors hasn't been so scary before. Sure, I was scared when Dean and I were searching for Chloe, but that wasn't as scary as it is now. Right now, I'm all by myself. I don't have Chloe nor the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose. I would like to have someone with me now, so we can each have our backs. Unfortunately, it's been minutes and I still haven't found Chloe. I know she's close, though. I heard her scream. It was close, I can feel it in my gut.

I stop running to give myself a break. I lean my back against the wall, letting its cold touch cool me down through my sweat soaked shirt. I take deep breathes, my lungs getting the oxygen they've been dying for. I close my eyes; my head leaning back on the wall.

Why is he doing this? There is no point in myself having to find Chloe. Yeah, I get that we're the best of friends, but this is sort of Dean's responsibility. He's the one who hurt Chloe, not me. But she is Chloe. And Chloe is a sweet, loving girl that I should cherish as a friend; I don't have many.

Opening my eyes, I begin to jog at a comfortable pace. I search the corridors, wanting to find Chloe. I want to make sure she is okay. I don't like the idea of her roaming this building all by herself, especially when a lot of our enemies are here.

I skid to a stop when a large poster falls to the floor in front of me. Bracing myself, I pick it up, turning it over. I roll my eyes. The poster has Dean, Roman, and I on it when we were in the Shield. Roman and I are lifting Dean up on our shoulders, celebrating our win over a match that I don't remember. We looked so happy together. Roman's smiling like he never has before. I, myself, is smiling, my gap showing in between my teeth. Dean, he's holding his United States championship above his head. His smile is bright. I've only seen him smile like that twice. Once on that day. Second whenever he talks or speak of Chloe. It's like Chloe is his sun and he's the earth. The earth (Dean) needs the sun (Chloe) to survive. Without it, there wouldn't be the earth.

I sigh and rip the poster to shreds. That was the past, this is now the future. That means nothing. Right now, I need to find Chloe. She's number one on my list.

I look up as I walk down the hallway. The lights seem to be getting dimmer and dimmer.

Great. Now how will I find Chloe?

Minutes later, I'm walking in a pitch black hallway, a lot like Roman's heart. I sigh, getting real tired of his crap.

"Get away!" Yells a woman's voice in front of me, stopping me from walking any further. "I'm serious! I'm done with the torturing!" Her voice cracks when she said 'torturing' like it was too painful to even say.

I look at the figure in front of me. The woman is curvy. Her body is like an hourglass. Her waist is small like I could wrap one hand around her. Her legs are short and big. She's not like other girls, she doesn't have a thigh gap, but she still seems perfect. I then realize who it is. Chloe.

"Chloe," I whisper loud enough so she can hear me. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Her laugh echoes throughout the small hallway, and bounces straight into my ears. "Do you really think I believe you?" She takes a step forward. "You've done so many things to me, and who knows what's going to happen next." I can almost hear the eye roll in her voice. "I know Dean or Seth won't be able to find me. You made this task impossible. And now, I won't be able to see them again, thanks to you." She spits, venom lacing her words.

I step forward, and she flinches. "Chloe, I'm not who you think I am."

"What! Of course, I do!" She yells, lifting her arms in the hair dramatically.

I shake my head. "No, no. You do not. Come closer, please." I almost flinch at my own words. They don't sound like the confident, strong man that I am--was. They sound like a little boy. They sound weak and pleading.

"Why are you acting like this?" She asks, her head tilting to the side. "Can't you just kill me already?"

"No. I'm not Roman. I'm Seth, Chloe." I point to myself, which is odd because she can't see me, it's too dark.

"Seth?" Her little mouth squeaks.


She takes multiple steps towards me. She stops when she's close enough to see me. She starts to cry and she leaps into my arms. I catch her, and she lifts herself on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. She digs her face into my neck, crying into me. "I'm right here, shhh." I try comforting her, but that seems to make her worse.

"Seth," she sobs, I thought I lost you." She pulls her face away from my neck to look at me.

"You didn't," I smile softly.

She glances behind me like she's looking for something else. She turns her attention back to me. "Where's Dean?"

"What do you mean? We were all separated. He wasn't with me." I look away from her as she frowns, and a new wave of tears comes flooding out. "I'm sorry," I say, sympathy running with my words.

"It's okay, we'll find." Doubt runs with her words, though.

I set her down on her shaking legs. I grab her elbow, helping her balance herself.

"It's okay, I'm okay." She jerks her arm away from me, walking through the darkness.

"Okay," I say, walking behind her.

I can't help but think this was my fault. Maybe Dean was closer to me than Chloe was. Perhaps I should have found Dean first and not Chloe. Chloe would be a whole lot happier.


Dean's POV

I continue walking down the endless hallways. There's no point in this. I won't be able to ever find Chloe or Seth, and I hate it. Roman made this 'game'--as he likes to call it--impossible. How am I going to find two people in a matter of two hours? This is the hardest thing that I've ever done--that's saying something.

Sighing, I rake my hand through my hair. I don't think I can actually do this anymore. I miss Chloe and Seth. I want to see them both. My heart is aching with loneliness.

What hurts the most is that I know I can't do anything to stop this situation. I'm not in control. For once in my life, I'm not in control, and it doesn't feel good.

"Ambrose," yells Roman's voice from an intercom in the ceiling. "You have 40 minutes left to find your beloved Chloe."

"What!" I yell back to him. I just started looking for her.

"Well, I decided to reduce the time. I thought it was only me and Renee."

"Bull crap!" I stomp my foot, getting furious.

"Calm down." He demands. "Go find her before I do." He chuckles, ending our conversation.

I shake my head and start running throughout random hallways. Minutes pass, and I slam straight into an invisible wall. "What the heck?" I question, rubbing my forehead where the invisible connected with my head. I place my hands on the barrier, feeling the cool touch of the wall. "Glass," I whisper. I scrunch my eyebrows together. "What's this doing here?"

The intercom next to the glass wall beeps and Roman's voice carried through it. "Ah, you found the wall, I see."

"Um, yeah." I press my face against the wall to see clearly through the glass to the other side. Nothing. Just darkness. But a movement in the corner catches my eyes. "What was that?" I ask, but my voice sounds muffled.

"Nothing. What do you mean?" Roman asks, his voice carrying something with it.

"Well, I guess nothing, also. Anyways, what about the wall?" I carry on the conversation.

"The wall," Roman says, "is where Chloe will turn up, no matter where she goes or which way she takes. You see, you're going to have to find a way to break this wall down before her birthday present starts Phase Four." He chuckles evilly. "Good luck, Ambrose. Don't fail this one." 


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