Chapter 11 - Phase Two

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Roman's POV

"Alright, Sweetheart, see you in a bit," I say, leaving Chloe on the floor. Renee and Bray follow behind me. I walk them to a private room. I turn them and smirk. "Guys, the plan is finally falling into place." I pull out my phone, tap it a few times before pulling open the video cameras we have placed in every hallway and room in the arena.

Bray chuckles evilly, "Finally."

Renee grips my bicep. "When are you going to....?"

I look down at her and smile. She's been the one I've wanted from the beginning, not Chloe. Who would want a girl whose lost her memory? I wouldn't be able to deal with that, actually, I don't know how I handled our relationship for that long.  And what is it to say that I might have Speared her on purpose? I mentally smile to myself. That was great seeing her suffer. Dean still has no idea that Renee and I are here. I'm sure he just thinks that Bray is only here, well, he has another thing coming then.

Anyways, back to Renee. She has these sparkling blue eyes that remind of the ocean. It's like I'm actually swimming in the ocean as I look at her. Her smile is also very gorgeous. She has these pink, plump lips that I just want to take as mine. No one can have her, she's mine. If a man lays on a finger on this stunning women, I'll make sure that they see the devil himself.

I clear my throat before answering my Baby Girl's question. "Well, once we put our second plan into the action, and I'm hoping Dean takes the bait, I'll make sure to get started."

Renee gulps looking down sadly. "Do you not care for me?" She whispers.

"Baby Girl," I lift her head up so she's looking directly into my eyes, "of course, I care for you. I'm just gonna do this to Chloe 'cuz I know this will stab Dean in the heart. I'm only trying to get back at him. Then after we're done with this mess, you and I can carry on with our beautiful lives....together." 

Renee's eyes widen and her smile grows. I lean down and claim her lips.

Hearing an uncomfortable cough, I break the kiss. I look at Bray and he looks really uncomfortable. I chuckle. "Go get your guys and set them up for phase two, got it?"

He nods his head and exits the room. I kiss Renee's forehead and grab her hand. "Where are we going?" She asks.

"We are going to go find Dean."


Renee's POV

I walk with Roman, hand in hand. He's a really sweet man, any girl would die to have him in her life. I'm very lucky to have such a man like him. The thing is, he wants to get back at Dean, I'm all for it. The part that I'm not all for is what he's going to do to Chloe. I knew straight off the bat that this idea wasn't good as he made it out to be. There are so many holes in it, that I'm afraid he's going to get hurt, or even worse, get fired from WWE. What he's going to do to her is no joke. I've tried talking him out of it, but his mind seems to be glued to the idea. If this plan goes down a hill, I'm blaming it all on Roman.

Don't get me wrong, I was the one to come up with the plan of destroying Dean's life, but Roman's taking it a little too far. Sure, I hate Dean and Chloe, but what Roman's going to do to each of them, know one will ever forget. It's going to be burned in the back of their minds. I'm also really scared for Chloe. I know what her past was like, Dean told me when we're dating. I know she is scarred from it, that's if she remembers what happened to her, I don't think she does. But if she does remember what her dad did to her once a week, she's going to die inside after Roman gets done with her. I feel bad for the poor girl.

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