Chapter 13 - Pointless

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Roman's POV

"I'd kill you," Dean says like a promise. I don't think he could keep that promise. Deep down in his heart, I know that he still loves me as his brother. There's no doubt about. Seth and I were his only friends, he hated everyone else. I was more there for him than Seth ever was. We were closer. I know every dirty, little secret Dean has. If he were to try to destroy my life, I'd ruin his once again by spilling out the secrets I know I remember.

You might say I'm not much a friend anymore. But, I will say that I am doing this for a certain reason. Renee came up with the idea first. She kept complaining how bad a boyfriend Dean was, and I totally agreed with her. I saw how Dean treated her. It does make sense, though. Dean has told me how he treated his older girlfriends. After telling me, I felt disgusted. He treated his women like they were complete dogs. I didn't understand how Dean got near girls at all, it blew my mind; it still does to this day.

I then shared my thoughts about Dean. I told her how he needed to get payback for what he did to Chloe. Well, all the things he's done, Chloe. Renee also agreed with me there. It was understandable. Dean will never get rid of his old habits.

"Renee, darling, can you come here?" I turn off the projector and walk into a small room.

"Yes!" Renee calls. She taps me on my shoulder and spin around to face her. I smile and kiss her.

"I have a question for you," I say after breaking the kiss.

"Yeah, what is it?"

I lift Dean's little, black box in front of her face. "What should I do with this?"

"What is it?" She asks taking the box out of my fingers. She hesitantly opens the box and gasps when it's all the way open. "Roman, this was Dean's?"

I mumble a yes. What was so special about it? Who cares? I could afford something way better than that piece of crap!

Renee darts her eyes to mine. "Roman," she whispers, "why'd you take this away from Dean? Was he going to give this to Chloe?"

"Yes." I nod my head. "He was going to give that to Chloe. And I told you why I took it, we're getting back at Dean for destroying Chloe's life!"

Renee's face falls with a frown. "Why take it this far?" Her voice cracks and her blue eyes dart back to the box. She takes the small ring out of the box. This is the first time I actually saw the thing, and I have to say, it's impressive. There's a big diamond in the middle of the silver circle. On either side of the rock is Dean's initials: JG and Chloe's initials: CG. "This is a promise ring, Roman."

"Okay. I don't see the problem here."

Renee ignores me and tries putting the ring on her finger. The circle is too small for her fragile fingers. "Wow," she breathes, "Chloe's fingers must be really tiny if the ring doesn't even fit mine."

"She's a small girl," I say.

Renee glances at me and puts the ring backs in its box. "You know, I'll leave this up to you." She gives me the box and walks away leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What should I do with the ring? I have two choices. Either give the small promise ring back to Dean or I could keep it for myself and sell it. Who knows how much Dean spent on this stupid piece of jewelry. I'm not sure, I'll leave it up to Dean. Let's see how well behaved he is.


Seth's POV

I was so happy that I got thrown in a room with Chloe. I noticed that they haven't given her any clean clothes. She still has the ring attire that she wore the night she got kidnapped. She said she was cold so I somehow found a way to take off my sweatshirt and gave it to her. But I'm glad to know that she is safe and is doing well, I guess. Physically, she's not doing too well. She looks like skin and bones. Not joking. She told me that they barely give her any food or water. That hurt me. It also fired me up even more. Her hair is really greasy, but she can't control that.

I'm just worried for Dean. I don't know what happened to him after I got shoved in this room. I hope he got away and is looking for us now. He needs to find us soon or Chloe is not going to survive. I hate to say it, but it's true. Roman, the Wyatts, and Renee could potentially be murderers. I can't believe that I was ever friends with Roman. I didn't know he was capable of this, same with Renee. I thought Renee would have thought differently. Guess not. She's part of this plan and it kills me. She has no idea.

"Seth?" Squeaks Chloe. "What do you think they are going to do to me?"

I shake my head. I hate lying to Chloe, but I know it gives her hope. Hope that keeps her strong. "Chloe, they aren't going to do anything to you."

She sighs. "You don't know that."

"You're right," I frown. "But I can tell you that right now, Dean is out there in this building trying to look for us, he'll be here soon."

"You promise?" She asks, hope swimming in her eyes.

Can I promise this? I think I can. I have hope like her. I know Dean's out there looking for us. I have a gut feeling. "Yes." I crack a small smile. "I promise."

Catching mine and Chloe's attention, Roman gets projected onto the wall in front of us. He sucks in a painful breath. "Wow, I can't believe you promised poor, little Chloe that. You don't know that."

I cough. "Prove it then. I want to see Dean there with you, I bet he isn't."

Roman laughs and Chloe looks at me, scared for her life. I can tell what she's thinking. She's right. I don't know if Dean got away from this crazy guy.

"Do you want to see your Deano?" Roman asks, the ends of his mouth being tugged into a smirk.

I look at Chloe and she has a tear going to the side of her cheek. I look back at Roman on the wall. "Yeah. I want to see him."

Roman's small smirk turns into a huge one. "Good choice, Rollins."

The projection on the screen goes black then Chloe gasps and cries harder. I look at the projection with shocked eyes. Dean is passed out against the wall with a straight jacket on. Blood is splattered on the jacket like someone just took a paintbrush and flung red paint on the jacket. But the thing is, it's not paint. It's Dean's blood. More blood starts at one of his temples and runs down his face and onto the floor and into a pool of blood. Drip, drip, drip. I can practically hear the blood dripping into the pool of dark red liquid. Another facet of blood flows out of Dean's nose. His nose is oddly shaped. It looks broken.

"Turn it off! Turn it off goddamn it!" Chloe screams, tears still falling down her face.

I knew Chloe liked the man, I knew she had feelings for him deep down. I don't think she knew that, though, herself. I think she's just now realizing the way she feels about the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose.

I know it's rude to say, but I can't wait to see Chloe's reaction when Dean tells her he's Jon. Who knows what she's going to do. She's going to have so many emotions running through her veins like a marathon. But I think the love for Jon will push all the other feelings aside. Or at least I hope it does.

Both of them, Dean Ambrose and Chloe Grey, deserve to have a chance at a normal life. A life filled with love and compassion. It's what they both need. Hopefully, their love story will come to a happy ending.

"Looks like Seth was wrong, eh, Chloe?" Roman taunts, getting projected onto the wall again.

Chloe cups her face into her hands and continues to cry. I don't blame her. What they did to Dean was not right, and It will never be.

"Leave her alone, Reigns," I demand, looking Roman straight in the eyes.

"Or what?" He challenges.

I look down. I can't say anything. I'm stuck to a wall and feel very sick.

"That's what I thought," he spits and disappears from the wall.

I leave Chloe alone. I don't want to bother her. But it's killing me. It's killing me that I can't promise anything. It's killing me that I can't comfort her anymore. It kills me to know that I'm not being the friend I should be for her, especially in this hard time in her life. 



Finding Chloe •{Dean Ambrose FanFic}•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora