Chapter 14 - Thoughts

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Dean's POV

I stare at the blank wall in front of me. I wait for Roman to be projected onto the wall. I want to give him a piece of my mind. I'll start with Chloe. I'm sure she's not doing too hot. I'm sure she's sick and needs help. I want to see her. I want to know she's okay and alive. I'll ask him for a peek.

Then about myself. First things first, I'm hungry as shit. He hasn't fed me in awhile. Wrestlers need a lot to eat, especially because we work out a lot. And secondly, he asked the Wyatt Family to come and torture me.

First, they made sure to knock me out with something. I'm not sure what it was, but it was hard. It knocked me out right away. Later, once I woke up, I realized why they made me pass out. They put me in a straight jacket.

I know, I get it. I'm a lunatic and belong in an asylum. But do you really have to put me in a straight jacket? It's very uncomfortable and I can barely breathe or move.

Anyways, once I was fully awake, they started the torture. They used whips, chains, knives, metal rods, and anything you can think of. By the first minute of this, I was already sitting in a pond of my own blood. My body was aching, well, it still is. And they said things that stung real bad. They said things about Chloe, especially Bray. He kept bringing up the third phase—whatever that means. He said that in the phase Chloe is going to get hurt, more than ever before.

I didn't want to listen anymore. I tried shutting my ears off, but Bray was too loud. He was like a microphone screaming into both my ears. I wanted to cry. I've never really cried before, only with certain things, though. I controlled my tears and held them back. It was hard because of the emotions and pain shooting through me like lightening. But I stayed strong. Strong for Chloe.

Another thing I have a problem with is the ring that Roman stole from me. That was mine. I paid thousands and thousands of dollars for that ring. I requested it. I customized it. I didn't want it to be the exact one that I gave Chloe years ago. That one was cheap. I couldn't afford anything more expensive. But now wrestling in WWE, my paycheck is expensive. I wanted to make sure that Chloe got the best ring out there. I wanted to make sure that no other person would have that ring. So I spent as much money as I allowed myself to spend, and made Chloe a one of a kind ring. Just like her.

I smile at the thought of Chloe. It's been so hard trying to keep this woman out of my mind. Most of the time I can forget a girl in a matter of days, but this girl, Chloe, I knew that I wouldn't be able to. She's special and deserves better than me. I haven't been the greatest to her. But I want to change that. I want her to see the real Dean Ambrose—wait, scratch that. I want her to see the real me, Jon Moxley. She hasn't seen that side of me after she lost her memory. I now want to show her that side. I want to spend every day with her. No matter it's on her bad days or good days. I want to see her every morning when I wake up. I want to hear her voice every night before I fall asleep. She's not just a want. She's a need. If I don't get her, then what's the point of living anymore?

I turn my head to the side and watch the door knob turn. The door opens and out steps Roman. He sets down a tray filled with grapes, a ham sandwich, and a small glass of water.

"I don't want this." I shake my head, kicking the tray away from me.

"Why?" Roman asks, acting surprised.

"If Chloe isn't eating anything, then I don't want anything either. It's only right."

He chuckles. The dreadful sound bounces off the walls and flies straight into my ears. I want to scream. "You're going to starve yourself then?"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

He smirks. It seems to stretch on for miles and miles. "It is for you. You'll have a chance to escape and you'll want to have as much energy as you can, Ambrose."

I turn my head the other way. "I want to see Chloe."

"What now?"

"I think you heard me, Roman."

After hesitating, he replies, "She probably doesn't want to see you in this condition. You might want to wait awhile, ya know?"

"No. I don't know, Roman," I say sharply as I turn my head back to look at him. "I would love to know what you mean, but I can't. I'm not sure what I look like, but I don't really care. All I want to do is see my love once." I pause to lick my lips. "Is that too much to ask for?"

"It is. That is a huge offer to ask of. But I can tell you one thing," Roman says, holding up a single finger. "You'll get to see Chloe soon. Trust me."

I scoff at his last statement. "I'm supposed to trust you?" I lift both my eyebrows. "That's pathetic. I don't think I can ever trust you again. Look at what you did to us! Look at what you did to me, Seth, and Chloe!" I'm yelling now and trembling of rage in my straight jacket. "Are you happy? Was all of this worth it?" I cock my head to the side causing my sweat covered bangs to fall in front of my eyes. "Was it worth it, Roman?" I whisper now. "If it was, you're not human. No human could ever do this. I'm not even sure how you can."

"Eat your food," he says with a blank face. He walks out of the door and locks it behind him.

I scream on the top of my lungs. I scream until my throat and lungs can't take it anymore. I scream until I lose my voice.


Renee's POV

Roman gave me the ring not too long ago. He said he couldn't choose what to do with it. He wants me to pick what we should do with the expensive piece of jewelry.

I hate doing this. This isn't me. This is not who I am. I don't keep hostages and let them starve to death. This is all Roman's doing. I want to break up with Roman, but I can't. My love for him is too strong. I can see past his flaws and love him just the same as before I knew he was this kind of monster. I know it's bad that I love this man, but he took my heart. He snatched it from my chest and kept it in a jar. He's making me love him. There's nothing I hate about Roman.

I bounce the ring back and forth between my hands. This is a hard decision. Should I keep the ring and sell it? Should I destroy the ring so Dean can't have it back? Or should I give the ring back to Dean so he and Chloe can have a happily-ever-after?

All of this lays in the palm of my hands. My decision will either break or make Dean and Chloe. What should I choose and how should I do it?


Chloe's POV

I wither in pain and hunger in a lonely corner away from Seth. He's a nice friend, more like best friend. But he can't help me with this situation.

I'm getting sick of this. I want to get out of this misery hole. I want to work out. I want to eat. I want something to drink. I just don't want to be here. I want Dean with me. I miss that meanie. I want him to hold me in his arms and tell me everything will be okay. I want him to cradle me like I'll be the last person he ever sees or touches. I want him to love me.

I've noticed this burning fire inside of me whenever I see Dean. I want him to put it out. It bothers me that he can't see that I like him. Maybe I act differently around him like I hate him. I do that because he does that to me. It makes no sense, I know. But I want him. Forget about Jon. Dean is the one for me and nothing will ever change that.


I turn around to see Roman in mine and Seth's room holding two trays of food and drinks,

"What?" I ask him.

"Eat," he says and drops the trays on the floor before leaving.

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