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{ Blake }

"'No. No, it's not.' She spoke contritely. 'Lead on. You two know that level better than I.'

Parker and Brett, carefully hold I g the net ready between them, preceded her down the little-used companionway. C level was poorly illuminated even by the Norstromo's sparse standards. They paused at the base of the companionway to let their eyes adjust to the near darkness.

Ripley touched a wall accidentally, pulled her hand away in disgust. It was coated with a thick, viscous slime. Old lubricants, she mused. A liner would've been shut down if an inspector had discovered such conditions on it. But nobody fooled with such leaks on a ship like the..."

"Blake! Stop reading that stupid science fiction book and pay attention to your work," Weiss lectured. I groaned and put the book down. It was getting good though. I like reading when I get the chance. Work was slow anyways, so where was the harm in reading? The little bookstore and café was near its closing hour. There was thirty minutes left before they had close up for the night. I had folded my arms and sighed. "Oh, enough of that! It's not like we're here for much longer."

"Yeah, I know. I have a pile of homework to do when I get home before I go to bed. No one is going to come in at this hour," I stated. It was 6:30 in the evening. Everyone was either getting home from work, eating a family dinner, or whatever people do at this time. I just wanted to at least finish the chapter I was on before I headed home. I decided to start sweeping the floors and putting up the chairs from the tables. Weiss worked on wiping down the counters. After I finished cleaning around the café, I walked into the bookstore and cleaned up in there, if any was needed. I fixed the shelves and looked around if anything was laying around or misplaced. After I finished that little task, I looked at the clock. It was 7:00. Time to close up for the night and head home. I wasn't particularly looking forward to going home since I have a good amount of homework to get done. I hung up my apron and grabbed my things, putting my headphones on so I could listen to my music as I walk home. I said goodnight to Weiss before leaving. I threw my book into my bag and made my way home. Luckily I don't live too far from where I work.

When I walked in the door, it was rather quiet. Mom and dad must've gone to bed early or something. I didn't really care honestly right now. I was tired, still had to eat something for dinner, do my homework, and just want to curl up in bed and read my book. A sigh escaped as I walked into the kitchen, seeing that mom and dad left a tuna sandwich in the fridge for me. I grabbed a bottle of water and went upstairs to my room. As I walked by my parents' room, I realized what they were up to. I cringed as I heard them through the door. Why do they have to be so loud when they attempt to be quiet? Well, it's loud to me thanks to my cat ears hidden under my bow. I was adopted at a young age since I was just left out to fend for myself until I wound up at an orphanage. You could say that getting adopted was one of the happiest moments in my life. Since then, it's been in the gray area mainly. I turned my desk lamp on, placing my bag next to the chair, and shut my bedroom door as I tried to drown out the ruckus. The first subject I had to conquer was English. I had to read something in the text book and answer questions that followed. This is going to be a killer. Then I still had to math, biology, and ancient history. Looks like it's going to be a long night for me. Why should that bother me? Every night is a long night for me. My music continued to play as I worked on my homework. Gradually I ate my sandwich as I worked. I didn't even pay attention to my alarm clock by my bed, which is basically right next to my desk. Once I finished everything, it was already 12:30. I sighed yet again. My music stopped once I paused it and put my headphones on the desk's surface. "At least I finished earlier than usual," I mumbled to myself. My bow was taken off, giving my ears a chance to relax after being hidden for so long. They moved freely and it felt nice. The only place I had my bow off was in my room, away from everyone so I don't get judged for being different. I grabbed my pajamas and changed into them. My book was in hand and I climbed into bed. A faint smile pulled at my lips. Finally, I could read some more.

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