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{ Ruby }

I woke up, yawning and stretching my arms, after shutting off my alarm. Last night was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling because of it. I feel alive again. I couldn't wait to get to school. Once I threw the covers off of me, I walked over to my closet and picked out some clothes to wear. Decisions, decisions. What should I even wear? This was difficult. Before, I could care less what I wore. Now I take my time. I scratched the back of my head as I pondered on what clothes to wear. Like, I wanted to look decent and I wanted to look good for Blake. Finally I decided upon a pair of blue jeans, black tee with a red rose on the front, and my red hoodie. That seemed good enough. Quickly I changed out of my pajamas and into my clothes for the day. My hand grabbed the strap of my bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

When I got downstairs, I found a bowl of Cookie Crisp cereal on the island with a glass of milk. Yang knew how to make my morning a good one from the start. I sat down and began to eat my breakfast. "Morning sis! You look happy today," Yang said as she walked into the kitchen from the living room.

"I'm feeling better," I replied before taking another spoonful of cereal. My sister smiled upon hearing that.

"Does it have something to do with a certain kitty cat?"

"Yang! Will you shut up?! I don't want dad knowing," I said at a harsh whisper. I was blushing too. Yang chuckled and shook her head.

"Come on, I'm just joking around," she said. I glared at her. It wasn't funny. I finished eating and then Yang and I finished getting for school. "Ready to get going?" I nodded with a small smile.

"Bye dad! See you later tonight," I shouted upstairs to him. Although, we got no answer. He was either asleep or even sleeping off his hangover. Yang figured it out after a bit last night. As the two of us walked to school, I received a text message.

'I have a little something for you ladybug ;)'

Ooo, I wonder what it could be. 'Now you made me curious! No far! Tell me please!'

Yang looked over and saw that I was texting someone. "Let me guess? Blakey?" I nodded while smiling widely. "What does she want?"

"She has something for me," I answered. I was still waiting for her reply.

'Nope. You'll find out when you get to school. Meet me at my locker and then we can walk to study together.'

'Fine. Does Yang know about this?'

'Nope. Only Weiss.'

I thought for a moment. Could Blake be lying to hide the fact my sister does know? No, she wouldn't do that. Would she? 'Okay well Yang and I are almost at the school. I'll see you in a few minutes Blakey.'

After my reply, I got nothing in return. Now I was really excited. I wanted to get there quicker. As we were walking, it only dawned on me that it was getting close to the end of the semester, not to mention the school year. Time seems like it just slipped away, as if it was sand falling in the spaces between my fingers to have the wind blow it away. Just five minutes later, we arrived at school. As soon as I walked through the front entrance with my sister, I immediately went straight for Blake's locker. Yang chuckled to herself. "I'll see you later sis," she said.

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