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{ Blake }

I was walking down the hall without Ruby or Weiss with me. I was reading my book in the process as well. At least I was until I had it ripped out of my hands. "Give it back," I said sternly.

"No, we're going to have a little chat, Blake Belladonna," she said. It was Yang and she was angry. Her eyes were bright red. She dragged me to the girls' locker room so we could talk.

"What's the big idea Yang?"

"Oh, you know very well Blakey," Yang growled. Ruby calls me that. It's the nickname she gave me. "What did I tell you if you pulled anything on my sister?!"

"Yang, calm down will you? You're making a scene," I said as fear crept in.

"No, I won't. I don't want my sister dating someone like you!" Her words hurt me deeply. Suddenly my bow was removed, revealing my ears. "You're no better than the others in the gang called the White Fang."

"Give me back my bow please?" I was nearly ready to break down in tears. I was scared. I wanted Ruby. I wanted to get out of here. I want to be with someone that I feel safe with! Yang threw it to the ground and forcefully elbowed me in the ribs. I began coughing as she had knocked the wind out of me from that one move. I slid down the lockers until I met the floor. "What did I ever do to you," I whimpered.

"You took my sister from me!" She pulled at one of my ears and I yelped. This was a game almost to the fiery blonde. I was able to grab my bow and clutched it close to my chest.

"What are you doing?!" Yang stopped and looked at the girl who shrieked. Weiss?

"This doesn't concern you, Ice Queen!"

"You're hurting my best friend and your sister's girlfriend! How does it not concern me?! Do you want Ruby to separate herself from you for good because you can't hold your violent nature under control?"

"Shut up! This is between Blake and I! Not some princess who thinks she rules everything!" Her words even stabbed Weiss. I jumped out of my skin when Yang slammed her fist into one of the lockers, creating a large dent in the metal door. Then the blonde left, storming out of the locker room.

"Are you okay Blake," Weiss asked with concern.

"I'll be okay. Just don't tell Ruby about this, please? I don't need her to get dragged into this," I said, placing my bow over my ears again and wiping my eyes from my tears. I'm a Faunus hiding in plain sight and yet Yang thinks it's completely okay to just reveal my Faunus heritage.

"I promise. If she hurts you again, I'm reporting her to the principal. I don't care if she's Ruby's sister. No one should deserve such treatment you were just given." I nodded and hugged my best friend tightly. "Come on, let's get to class."

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