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{ Blake }

"Yang, do you mind if I tell Ruby?"

"She's your girlfriend silly and if you want, I can cover for you two later." I gave the blonde a surprised facial expression. "Hey, it's not like I haven't noticed. Just be careful alright?" I nodded, blushing in the process. Luckily it was the end of the day. I went to look for the ladybug and finding her at her own locker.

"Ruby, I have something to tell you," I said I stood beside her with a smile. Ruby looked at me in confusion. "Yang is letting me take you somewhere. You're still mine, ladybug."

"But don't you have work?" I shook my head.

"Day off today. Now come on! Let's get going," I said, holding out my hand. Ruby took it and we left the school in a hurry. I brought her back to my house. We went upstairs to my room and I was grateful that my parents were still at work and staying late tonight. Gave us plenty of time. I closed the door. "Ruby do you trust me?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I want to take you to a new level. I-I want you to see another side of me." Ruby caught on rather quickly. I kissed her, laying her down on the bed. "Will you let me do this," I asked lustfully. She nodded and I kissed her passionately. As we kissed, I got really frisky. I pulled at her clothes and eventually taking them off. Obviously I did as well to make things fair. Just as I was about to kiss her neck, she surprised me by pulling a move. "S-Shit Ruby..."

"Are you enjoying this Blakey?" I nodded and submitted myself to her. Her thumbs ran across the perked buds and caused me to moan. I leaned down and kissed her softly. With one touch, I moaned loudly, having it go from my mouth into Ruby's. I fell to the bed and pulled her on top of me. We broke the kiss, only to stare at each other lustfully.

"Now let me take over little ladybug," I cooed. She shivered on top of me from how pleasurable it sounded to her. I leaned close to her ear. "You, my little ladybug, are going to be treated very well tonight." I lightly nipped her earlobe which caused her to gasp. Then I trailed delicate kisses down her neck, only to stop to bite and suck on it. Now Ruby was moaning softly, the sound that I've been wanting to hear. However, Ruby was being mischievous.

"You're not going to have all the fun Blakey..." Her fingers came in contact with me, causing me to hitch my breath. "And you look cute when I play with you," she said softly. She was gentle with me. I released new moans, louder over time.

"Ruby p-please," I begged. The girl obliged and slipped two fingers in. It was blissful. I was in heaven. She started to go faster, finding my most sensitive spot. "Oh god! Ruby!" I screamed in pure ecstasy as I felt myself cum. I was panting afterwards.

"Did I do too much? I'm sorry," Ruby said softly. I shook my head and pulled her in for a kiss. Now it was my turn. I ran my fingers over her perked buds, smirking as she began to moan. So I switched our positions, having her on the bed and me hovering over her. Since I'm a cat Faunus, some of my animal like instincts kicked in. I lovingly groomed Ruby like a kitten and the girl was moaning all the while. "Blake, d-do something a-already!" I chuckled and slowly dragged my tongue along her womanhood. "Oooh..."

I lifted my head to meet her lustful gaze. "Having fun yet," I teased. She nodded and then I kissed her hard. Slowly I inserted two of my fingers into her, moving slowly. Ruby moaned loudly. I broke the kiss, seeing this pleading look in her eyes.

"Please Blake..." I smirked and moved faster. The girl moaned louder and panted faster the faster I went. My ladybug was so adorable when I had her under my control. "Blake I think I'm go-" She released a scream filled with pleasure as she came on my fingers. "Wow... That...sure...was...something...amazing..."

"Round two?" Ruby nodded and kissed me again. From there, I don't even know how long it was until Ruby finally fell asleep, all snuggled up against me. "Sleep tight ladybug," I whispered.

{ Ruby }

I heard a very soft purr in my ear. "Hey ladybug," she whispered. My body was sore. "You hungry?"

"A little. Did I pass out when we were playing?"

"Almost. I managed to keep you awake for just a few moments before we both fell asleep." I turned to face her and I wore a soft smile when I looked upon her. Then I immediately blushed when I saw that the blanket was only pulled up to her navel. Blake realized and pulled the blanket over her body. I saw the alarm clock on her desk and I gasped. "Ruby, what's the matter?"

"It's almost seven! My dad gets home from work at seven! I'm still grounded too..." I was freaking out. Blake hugged me and kissed my forehead. I felt like I was going to cry.

"You don't live too far from me. Let's get changed and get you home before he does, okay?" I nodded and kissed her again. She smiled and we quickly threw our clothes on. We grabbed our bags and then made our way to my place. It was five minutes is seven when Blake and I walked through the front door.

"Ruby? Is that you," Yang questioned from the living room. It sounded like she was watching TV.

"Yeah, and Blake's here too," I replied. Yang came around the corner to find the two of us. My sister smirked at us. "What?"

"Have some fun, did we," Yang teased. Blake and I severely blushed to my sister's accusation.

"Sh-Shut up," I stuttered. Yang approached us and moved Blake's hair slightly to reveal a developing love bite.

"I hope you know how to hide that from your parents Blake. I know the last thing you need right now is having them question you about the mark." Yang stepped back and gave us more room to walk in. "You guys must be hungry after having a little bit of fun. I'll cook you guys something," she said while walking off into the kitchen. I grabbed Blake's hand and brought her into the living room. Then the front door opened and closed, rather forceful. Looks like dad's home. He walked by the living room and then caught a glimpse of Blake and I sitting on the couch.

"What the hell is she doing here," dad barked. Something wasn't right about dad. Even Yang noticed the change in our father. I was scared honestly. Blake could sense it.

"Dad, Blake only came over to work on homework with us. Isn't that right Blake," Yang said as she covered up the truth.

"Yeah, they wanted a little help on their history and pre-calculus homework," Blake explained. Dad was getting suspicious.

"Alright, but she has to leave now," dad stated.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ladybug," Blake whispered to me. Dad didn't know my nickname that Blake gave me. We wanted to keep it that way. Blake refrained from kissing me, even if it was a brief one, in front of my dad. Dad didn't realize that Blake and I had gotten back together.

"Bye Blake. Thanks for the help," Yang said.

"See you tomorrow," I said, trying not to make it obvious that there's something going on. I walked Blake to the door as dad walked upstairs to his home office. Once I knew that he was upstairs, I kissed Blake, not wanting it to end but it had to. "Text me when you get home?"

"Of course ladybug." She quickly kissed my forehead and then walked home. We waved to each other and then I shut the door. I released a deep breath, a sigh of relief.

"You still hungry," my sister wondered. I nodded, smiling. I sat at the island and she placed a plate of spaghetti in front of me. Immediately I dove into it. "Well I'm glad to see your appetite is back. Just don't choke on it or eat too fast. Don't need you getting sick from inhaling your dinner." I nodded and took my time eating my dinner. Yang and I were talking and laughing. Yang took care of cleaning my plate when I headed upstairs to get ready for bed. Just as Blake agreed, she texted me. I smiled like an idiot when I read her texts and replied. This has been the happiest day of my life.

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