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{ Ruby }

"I'm going out," I said as I made my way to the front door.

"Where are you going," Yang asked.

"I'm going to take some pictures to add to my photo album. I think it's time to start capturing the natural beauty around here like I did with the Florida landscape." My sister looked at my warily. "I promise to be careful. I'll call you when I'm on my way back."

"Alright. You better be careful." I smiled and headed out the door. Blake and I were having our first date today. She was going to show me this place in the woods that she likes to visit sometimes. We agreed to meet at the Nook and Cranny since I knew where that was. I had my camera in my bag that I brought along, but it also had some snacks just in case we got hungry.

"There you are ladybug. I was wondering when you were going to get here," Blake said, pushing herself off from leaning against the building and walking over to me. I was in awe. She looked beautiful even in comfy clothes such as a black pull over hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, a pair of old fashioned black combat boots, and then her little bow. "Come on, let's get going." I took her hand that she held out and we walked off down the street towards the woodland trail she knew of.

"You look pretty," I said while blushing softly. Blake's face turned a faint rosy hue.

"T-Thanks," she stuttered out. Her stutter was adorable. That was when we made it to the trail. The beauty of nature was astounding. I fished out my camera from my bag, Blake giving me this confused look. "Why do you have a camera with you?"

"I like to take pictures. I thought it was time to start taking some of here, my home. It's a little weird hobby of mine I guess you could say. I did it a lot back in Florida. Sunsets and sunrises, the calm waves and the beach, the starry night skies and the moon, nature itself, and sometimes people. I took a few of my sister when she wasn't looking." I giggled at that. Yang still didn't know about those photos. They were some of my best ones. My favorite one of her was when she was standing on the balcony of our beach house staring out towards the ocean, watching the sun set. The sky was beautiful that day. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. Thinking about it made me sigh softly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking about the times back in Florida." Blake kissed the top of my head as we walked, making me smile from her affection. When I looked at Blake, I saw this look on her face. "Is something bothering you Blakey?"

"It's nothing." I knew better than that.

"No, it's not nothing. What's wrong?"

"It's just that I haven't been here in a very long time. The last time I was here, I was..." She let go of my hand and pulled her hair back, revealing a faded scar on the back of her neck. "I was attacked. I was lucky to have Weiss with me that day."

"Did they catch the person that did this to you?"

"No. They couldn't find him after a month and gave up searching for him." I kissed her softly which shocked her at first but she kissed me back, adding some passion to it. I pulled away slowly, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Did that help?" She nodded with a soft smile. Then an idea came to mind, causing me to smile. Her curiosity peaked. "Have you ever done a photo shoot," I asked.

"N-No. I hardly do p-pictures," she stuttered.

"Will you let me take a few photos?" She seemed unsure. I began to blush as I wanted to say something but it didn't feel right to say at this stage of our relationship.

"Why are you blushing Ruby?"

"Well, I, uh... I'm home now," I said shyly. Blake smiled a bit, kissing my forehead afterwards. "I feel like I'm finally home with you. You make me feel safe already even though it's the beginning of our relationship. It was even like this when we were just friends." I was so embarrassed.

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