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{ Ruby }

When I got home, I immediately went up to my room to start working on my homework. As I pulled out my notebook, a folded piece of paper fell out of my bag. That wasn't there earlier, was it? I placed the notebook on the desk and I picked up the paper. The handwriting, elegant in style. It was Blake's handwriting. When did she manage to sneak this into my bag? Whatever, I don't really care at this point since I'm back to not talking, looking, or going near her again. I unfolded the paper and saw that it was a letter. What?


I'm sorry for all of the pain you've been put through. Yang shouldn't have to do this to you. You have no idea how much I've been wanting to interact with you. I've missed you so much.

To tell you the truth, I've died more inside by the day. I've felt so empty and incomplete. I just wanted to talk to you, see you, laugh with you, smile, hug, kiss, everything that we did before this mess happened. I wanted to be with you again. I wanted to be home again. That's all I wanted but I couldn't have any of it from being too afraid. I felt broken and that I couldn't go on because the one thing that I loved so much was taken away. That's why I did what I did. I just wanted this agonizing pain to go away.

I've thought of you, the memories we shared, the time we spent together every single day we were apart. Seeing you the way you were when I got back broke my heart. I wanted to hug you so badly when I saw you.

I hope that someday this will end and we can be together again. You're my little ladybug, Ruby. An autumn rose that's still in bloom that caught my attention like I was being pricked by a thorn. You're my autumn rose. You make me feel alive again. I love you Ruby. I love you so, so much.

I want you to know that my heart is yours and yours alone.

With love,


Reading her letter made me feel worse. Why does everything have to be against me? I put the letter in my desk drawer and got to work on my homework. Tears were beginning to fill my eyes. Soon they crawled down my cheeks as my lip quivered. I can't even do my homework without crying. All I did was get up from my desk and go to my bed, bawling my eyes out into my pillow. My heart is being ripped to pieces! All I could think about was Blake. Everything else was nothing to me. My world was falling apart. I completely lost track of time. Someone knocked on my door softly and then opened it. "Ruby, dinner's ready," my sister said softly. She noticed that I was crying. "Ruby?"

"I'm not hungry and I want to be left alone," I said. I refused to look at her. She walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge of it. "Leave me alone Yang!"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's gotten you so upset," she said bluntly. I knew that she really meant that. I groaned and looked at her with red eyes. When she looked at me, it was like she was almost shocked. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Everything is wrong now thanks to you and dad! I've become this worthless and stupid girl just because you guys won't let me be happy! I just want her back! I'm tired of being separated from her like this!"

"Ruby, Blake is never going to come back to you. Let her go and move on with your life already," Yang spoke sternly.

"No! I don't believe you! Blake loves me more than anyone has!" Yang glared at me. It's true though. Dad was always working, Yang was off doing whatever she wanted to, and I was left alone. "At this point I would rather die than spend another day in this hell!" Yang smacked the back of my head in response.

"Don't ever say that! I can't lose my baby sister because of her stupidity!" I curled into a ball and cried more. "Urgh! You're impossible!" Yang got up and left my room, shutting the door harsher than necessary. And this was only day one of my newfound punishment. Eventually I left my bed and did my homework and fell asleep.

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