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{ Blake }

When I got home, I actually felt a little better. Weiss was glad to see me smiling a bit more today at work. I told her what happened and she hugged me to death until I couldn't breathe. Surprisingly I finished all of the work I missed and was assigned for tonight within four hours. Then an idea came to mind. I could write a letter to give to Ruby without Yang knowing.


I'm sorry for all of the pain you've been put through. Yang shouldn't have to do this to you. You have no idea how much I've been wanting to interact with you. I've missed you so much.

To tell you the truth, I've died more inside by the day. I've felt so empty and incomplete. I just wanted to talk to you, see you, laugh with you, smile, hug, kiss, everything that we did before this mess happened. I wanted to be with you again. I wanted to be home again. That's all I wanted but I couldn't have any of it from being too afraid. I felt broken and that I couldn't go on because the one thing that I loved so much was taken away. That's why I did what I did. I just wanted this agonizing pain to go away.

I've thought of you, the memories we shared, the time we spent together every single day we were apart. Seeing you the way you were when I got back broke my heart. I wanted to hug you so badly when I saw you.

I hope that someday this will end and we can be together again. You're my little ladybug, Ruby. An autumn rose that's still in bloom that caught my attention like I was being pricked by a thorn. You're my autumn rose. You make me feel alive again. I love you Ruby. I love you so, so much.

I want you to know that my heart is yours and yours alone.

With love,


I read it over again and I was pleased with it. I folded it and put it in my bag. Once I put everything away, I decided to get ready for bed. Just as I removed my sweatshirt, I was holding back my tears when I gazed upon my wrists. What will Ruby say when she sees them? I was afraid of what people would say if they ever saw those scars. I sighed solemnly and quickly got changed out of my clothes into my pajamas. After that, I crawled into bed and curled into a ball to keep warm since I was cold. Tomorrow I get to see Ruby again, causing me to smile from the thought of her, and sneak this note I wrote into her bag.

I woke up and got ready for school. I wanted to get to school so I could see Weiss and Ruby again. Plus, I get the chance to slip my letter into Ruby's bag. I had biology first and that meant no Yang. "You look happy," Weiss said as she met me at my locker.

"Well, I have biology and you know who's in that class," I said with a smile. Weiss smiled and shook her head. Then my smile vanished when I saw Ruby walk by with her head down. What happened to the little ladybug I saw yesterday? "Ruby?" She didn't look up when I said her name. She just walked by me. I wanted to reach out to her, have her look at me, hold her close, be there for her, tell her that she will never be alone, kiss her to take away all of her pain.

I looked at Weiss and she shrugged her shoulders. "Go to class and see if she'll say something," Weiss said. I nodded, hugging her after as we parted ways. When I got to biology, she was sitting at her desk with her head down. I sighed. What happened? Once I took my seat, which wasn't far from Ruby's, I noticed that her bag was open. Here's my opportunity. I took the letter out of my bag, along with my class materials, and quickly put it in her bag once I wrote on the fold 'Read when you get home and alone'. I hope that this makes a difference.

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