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{ Yang }

"Ruby, can you help me in the kitchen," dad asked.

"Sure," my sister replied, leaving her phone on the coffee table. I was flicking through the channels, trying to find something good to watch. Then Ruby's phone vibrated from receiving a text message, actually several. I picked it up since my curiosity got the best of me. My eyes grew wide as I read the messages that appeared on the screen from... Blake? Why is she talking to my sister as if they're something more than just good friends?

'We could maybe go for a walk sometime this weekend.'

'Maybe you could bring your camera again ladybug. I plan on bringing you to another place that I know of that I enjoy going to.'

'Ladybug? You there?'

'Ruby?' What is going on here?! Ladybug? Is that a little nickname that Blake came up with? The whole thing sent shivers down my spine. That was when Ruby walked back into the room. She froze when she saw her phone in my hand.

"Yang, why do you have my phone?" I looked at my sister.

"Why is Blake texting you, ladybug?"

"You read my messages?! What the hell Yang!" She snatched her phone out of my hand and stormed off. I followed her since I wasn't done talking to her about this. The two of us walked into her room, closing the door. "Why did you read my messages Yang?!"

"Uh, because it was going off like crazy. What's going on between you and Belladonna?"

"None of your business."

"Uh yeah it is!"

"Why are you so nosy?!"

"I'm looking out for my baby sister!"

"Do you have a problem with her? Is it a problem that I have someone who cares about me?"

"So you are dating her! Urgh Ruby! Did you not hear what I said to her if she pulled anything on you?"

"I did and I found it unnecessary to say that to her! She's scared of you already and from you saying that has made that worse! Blake has made me feel welcomed!"

"Ruby just stop! She's no good for you! Get that through your thick head!"

"No! I love her for who she is and for making me feel better being here."

"Since when are you into girls?!"

"I don't know. I just got this connection with Blake and it developed into something more. It was unexpected okay?"

"Ugh! I give up with you!" Then I stormed out of her room, slamming the door shut. This is just too much to handle. What am I going to do with her?

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