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{ Ruby }

I carried another box upstairs to my new room. The walls painted white, the sunlight streaming through the window making them glow slightly. I placed the box down next to many others like it that I've already brought in. My feet carried me to the window, sitting down on the window bench as I stared through the glass. The autumn leaves painted the treetops and the ground below. It was pretty, I can't deny that, but I miss home. I miss Florida where I actually had a life. "Home sick," my sister asked as she leaned against my doorway. My eyes met hers.

"Yeah. Why did we have to move here anyway? I want to be with my friends again, Yang. I'm just a complete outcast here! I got moved up two grades just because of my intelligence," I said solemnly. I just wanted to go back to Florida. Yang walked in and sat next to me on the window bench, gazing outside like I was before.

"I know Rubes. I wish we didn't have to move either. Dad found a new job though, it pays better and that will help us get through. Maybe later we could go walking around town to see what there is," Yang said in suggestion. That doesn't sound like a bad idea. "Besides, I saw a little café on the way over here. Maybe we could get a little something to cheer you up." I looked at my older sister, smiling softly.

"Sure," I said in a little more cheery tone. Yang ruffled my hair and I got annoyed. I hate it when she does that. "Yang, please stop." She did as I asked.

"Let's finish unpacking the truck and then we can see if dad will let us go." I nodded, the both of us standing up and walking out of my bedroom. More boxes piled up in my room. By the time I brought all of them in, I was a little winded. Since all of my other furniture was already in the room, I decided to start unpacking some of the boxes just to pass the time. I grabbed one box that had some of my clothes in it and walked over to my bureau. That was when I heard dad downstairs.

"You want me to come in now?" He must be on the phone with his new boss. "Alright, I'll be there with I half an hour." I just sighed. I can tell that this was going to be a long day already for all of us. Dad came walking up the stairs. He didn't need to say anything to me. I already knew and Yang probably did as well. "Girls, I have to go in to get things straightened out. I left some money on the kitchen counter for you two to get something to eat for dinner. I won't be back until later tonight," he said to us, wearing a solemn expression.

"It's fine dad. We'll be fine," Yang said in her cheery tone, trying to make him feel better about this situation. Dad smiled, kissing our foreheads before rushing out the door. That cheery tone and expression faded. Were we going to be fine? I mean, we just moved into our new home after a long journey. "So, do you want to see what there is around here and worry about unpacking later?"

"Why not? It's not like we have anything better to do," I said. I stopped putting away my clothes and walked out of my room, heading downstairs with my sister. Dad left us fifty lien to use. Okay, that's not bad. There was even a house key next to it. Yang took both the money and key, putting them into her pocket. I laced up my combat boots as Yang slipped on her sneakers. Then we walked out the door, locking it behind us. Let's see what this little Vermont town holds in store for us.

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