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{ Ruby }

Something was off. Yang seems extremely tensed all of a sudden and then Blake is practically curled into a ball of fear. What's going on here? Did something happen between the two of them? No, don't tell me that Yang went after her. Urgh, if Yang did go after Blake, I'm going to... I don't know what I'd do actually. Yang can beat me at a fight like no problem. I approached my sister first. "Hey Yang, what's going on with you and Blake," I asked. My sister looked in my direction. She even glared at me.

"There's nothing going on between Blake and I," she spat out coldly. That isn't like her. I know she's not telling me something. I gave her suspicious look. "Just drop it Ruby." Yang walked off. I let out a sigh. That was when I was startled by a certain someone.

"Everything okay ladybug," I asked. I turned to look at her, becoming mesmerized by her. A look of concern was written all over her face. Eventually, I mirrored her expression.

"I was about to ask you the same," I said. Blake looked at me differently. "Blake, you've been acting differently today. Did something happen between you and Yang?" Once I mentioned my sister's name, the girl completely changed.

"N-No," she stuttered. I didn't believe it for a second. I crossed my arms and looked at my questionably. Blake released a sigh. Wait, why was she sighing? "Yes." I was shocked, no beyond shock. I was pissed. My fists clenched themselves tightly. "Ruby, please don't do anything! Please!" Tears were filling her dazzling amber eyes. Was she begging me? It wasn't long before my girlfriend began crying. I grabbed her hand, brought her to her locker and then mine, and then signed us out of school at the main office. I came up with a reason that was believable. Then we bolted out the school, never looking back. I brought her to the little white bench in the woods where we had our first date.

"Blake, tell me what happened," I asked. Blake just broke down as she sat next to me. "Blakey."

"She... She hurt me," Blake confessed. My eyes went wide in shock. Yang hurt her? I felt hurt and then angry. "I was taken to the locker room where she removed my bow, elbowed me in the ribs, and pulled my ear. I probably have a bruise by now." I was ready to kill Yang for hurting her. "She blamed me for taking you away from her..."

"Yang's just jealous Blake. You shouldn't have dealt with that. I wish you came to me sooner," I said solemnly.

"I-I didn't want you to know," she admitted. I hugged her, letting her cry. "I'm sorry..."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Blakey. This wasn't your fault. It was my sister's doing." I kissed the side of her head and that seemed to have helped her to calm down. "You're safe now Blakey. You're safe..."

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