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{ Blake }

I was still thinking about my dream, weird as it sounds. Those silver eyes. Who did they belong to? I heard the little bell to the front door jingle as it was opened. My eyes were drawn to the two girls who walked in. The shorter girl, I felt like I was just kicked in the stomach just from looking at her. Her eyes! She has those silver eyes! I couldn't breathe the longer I looked upon her. Weiss tapped my arm to make me regain focus. "Welcome to the Nook and Cranny Bookstore and Café. Is there anything we could help you with," my friend asked. The shorter girl met her gaze with mine. Instantly I looked away and busied myself with something else.

"Two chocolate chip cookies please," the blonde ordered. I got their order and put it on the counter.

"Are you guys new in town," Weiss asked politely.

"Yeah. We just moved here from Florida. I'm Yang and this is my younger sister Ruby," the blonde introduced. Ruby? I took another glance at her, recognizing the similarity between her and the girl from my dream. This was getting a bit weird.

"I'm Weiss and this is Blake." I expressed a shy, awkward smile at the two sisters. "Are you guys going to be attending the local high school?"

"Yeah. Monday is our first day. I guess it gives us some time to unpack and get used to being here," Ruby said, almost sounding like she was just ready to hide herself away. She really missed her old home. Her face, her eyes, said it all. I wanted to say something but I was tongue tied.

"If you are looking for somewhere to eat for dinner, there a little diner and pizzeria down the street you could try out," Weiss stated.

"Thanks Weiss. Well, I guess we'll see you around," Yang said, grabbing the bag from the counter and wearing a warm smile. Ruby looked at me again, actually softly smiling at me. I smiled back and watched her leave. Once they were out of sight, I received a slap to the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Weiss glared at me with her arms folded.

"I saw how you were looking at her."

"Who?" I was rubbing the back of my head from the lingering pain.

"Ruby, you dunce! It's like you had to force yourself to look away," Weiss said with her glare still intact.

I sighed, knowing that she was right. "Something about her just caught my interest. That's all," I said plainly.

"It was more than that and you know it."

"Okay! You got me Weiss! I had this strange dream last night that had a girl with silver eyes while the rest of her remained as a silhouette. When I saw Ruby walk through the door, I felt like I was having déjà vu almost." I hugged myself and looked to the floor. Weiss was silent, like completely silent. She probably thinks that I'm crazy. "You're judging me again, aren't you," I asked softly in this hurt tone.

"No, actually I'm not. I just find that weird. That's all. Why would you dream about this girl that you never met before until today?" I shrugged my shoulders. She was imprinted into my memory. I can't explain it. "You like her," the girl teased. I gasped, my breath even hitching in my throat. My eyes were widened in shock to her accusation.

"I-I do not! How can you even say that," I exclaimed.

"Then explain to me why you're blushing Blake Belladonna," she smirked. My cheeks were burning. Did I like her? No. I can't. Wait? Great, now I'm questioning myself! Weiss began to chuckle. "You can't deny it Belladonna."

"Shut up Weiss! I don't like her!"

"Sure you don't? Once you come to terms with yourself, come talk to me." I groaned as walked off to maintain the bookstore. "Don't you dare start reading your book again!"

"Shut up already! I'm not going to read my book!" I walked off towards the bookstore and his behind one of the bookshelves. I was crouched, leaning against a bookshelf, and covered my head with my arms as I hid my face behind my knees. To be honest I have no idea how long I was sitting there.

"Blake, it's time to go home," Weiss said. I sighed with relief. I got up and grabbed my bag, walking out the door without saying anything. "Blake, wait!" I groaned while rolling my eyes, but listened to the girl.

"What is it now Weiss? I just want to go home," I complained.

"Blake, what's wrong with liking girls? You seem to be having trouble with yourself."

"Weiss, do you realize how wrong it would be if I liked her? I'm seventeen years old and she's like what, fifteen?! Plus I have a feeling that her sister would want to kill me if I did even like her!"

"You've never liked anyone in a romantic sense have you?" I shook my head. That makes things even worse for me. "Do you want to know what it's like?"

"What!" Weiss pulled a move on me, planting her lips on mine. My eyes were filled with shock. What was she doing?! My heart was pounding, hammering against my rib cage, and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. What was this new feeling? I pulled away, just staring at her in complete shock. "W-Why did you do that?"

"You liked it, didn't you," she teased in question. I blushed profusely. "You're welcome for helping you figure yourself out Blake." Then Weiss walked off, heading home. There's no way in hell I'm going to say anything about this. Well, that settles things. I'm into girls after all.

{ Ruby }

Yang gave me one of the cookies and I basically inhaled it. "Jeez Ruby, ever heard of savoring it," Yang said.

"But cookies are so good!" Yang shook her head while smiling. "So, where are we going to go for dinner," I asked.

"Why not try the diner? Try something different for a change," Yang suggested.

"Sure!" We continued to walk down the street from the Nook and Cranny until we came across the diner Weiss mentioned. It was cozy looking, nothing too fancy for a small town. We were used to the bustling restaurants and a lively city. When we walked in, some people looked at us weirdly as if they were judging us. I felt a little uncomfortable but Yang seemed to brush it off. We found an empty booth and sat at it, waiting for someone to come to our table to give us menus and take our order. A waitress came to the booth we were occupying.

"Hello, I'm Pyrrha and will be your waitress for the night. Can I get you anything to drink while you decide what to order," she asked in a chipper tone.

"I'll have a water," my sister said.

"I'll have the same," I said afterwards. She wrote it down on her little notepad and walked off to get our drinks. We looked at the menu. The turkey dinner sounded appetizing. "What are you going to get Yang?"

"Probably a BLT. You?"

"Turkey dinner." That was when Pyrrha returned with our drinks.

"Here you go. Have you decided what you'd like to order?"

"Yes, I'll have the BLT please."

"I'll have the turkey dinner please."

"Alright, it shouldn't take too long for your food to be prepared," Pyrrha said. We thanked her and the she walked off. We just lounged in the booth seats, remaining quiet.

"What do you think was up with that Blake girl back at the Nook and Cranny?" I looked at my sister. I wasn't sure to what she was asking. Blake didn't seem that bad.

"What do you mean? She was nice. Being shy doesn't make someone appear to be weird."

"Uh, did you not see how she was looking at you?" I shook my head. My sister sighed. "Ruby, she was checking you out for god's sake!"

"Nah." Yang face palmed herself. "What?"

"Ruby, I know what someone looks like when they're checking someone out. Let me tell you, Blake. Was. Checking. You. Out." She finished saying that before Pyrrha walked over with our food. We left our conversation at that.

"Here you go. Let me know if you two need anything else," Pyrrha said cheerfully.

"Thanks Pyrrha," I said while wearing a smile. She smiled back and walked away. I thought more about what Yang said. Was Blake checking me out?

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