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Jin's POV

I woke up, y/n wasn't in bed. I got up going down stairs Adam, Ross ,and Mitch were talking "have you seen y/n" I ask " no" Adam says looking worried. Then Max walks in the door." Hey Max seen y/n?" I ask " No why" he replies "she is not here and she wouldn't leave the house without telling me" I answer. I go back up stairs and get dressed. When I finished I went down to the kitchen to make myself a few waffles. After putting the waffles in the toaster I found a note addressed to me. I read it, not once nor twice but three times. She's been kidnapped. " Guys!" I yell " Y/n's been kidnapped" I run out the door with the note. I jump in the car and drive to the address given on the note. I'm here. I went inside yelling
Y/n's name every few seconds. I look in each room.  No one. Then I look in the attic. No one. Lastly I look in the basement. No one. Then I go back up. Oh I forgot a door. I walk over to the door there is a code required to get in. I reread the note. Hmmm. I got it! I fill in the numbers to equal the numbers in y/n's favorite rap song  I fill in the numbers 1 7 3 8 and the door unlocks. The room was very dark so I clung onto the wall till I found a switch for the light. I search and I search. It probably took about 5 minutes to find the switch. I flicked the switch to see y/n tied to the chair with blood leaking out of her side. I rush over to her and start to untie her arms then her legs and now her waist. Then I take the tape off of her mouth and rushed her to the car quickly putting her in the back seat. "We are going to the hospital y/n" I tell her " ok" she says weakly. We got to the hospital and I get her in the nurses rushed her to a room. I had to wait but not to long the nurses came back about 30 minutes later and told me I could see her. I ran up to her room and sat down " you'll be ok" I reassure her. She sits up and opens her eyes " y/n do you know who did this to you" I say looking at her side she nods her head yes "who?" I ask.

Cliffhanger! Anyways thanks for reading everyone and as always I'll see you in the next chapter bub-bye! Oh and remember to hit that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS! and high fives all around✋🏻

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