Back to the hospital

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Max walked through the door with a knife in his hand. " Jin we need to get out of here" I whisper to Jin. We get up and run out of the door with Max chasing us. Luckily we were faster than him. I pulled out my phone and called 911. " yes I have an emergency a guy with a knife is chasing me and my boyfriend" " ok we'll be there in a sec" we continued running till he pulled out a gun. We had to doge the bullets. I got hit in my leg and Jin came running back. " Jin! Just go I'll be fine GO!" I yell. But he didn't he picked me up in bridal state and ran with me in his arms. The police finally came with an ambulance. Max got arrested and I get rushed to the hospital. That's the last thing I remember till the world around me filled with black.

Jin's POV

I rode with y/n to the hospital. Her eyes closed during the ride. It can't be happening we just got engaged and Max just had to kill her. I burst into tears while checking her pulse... Very slow... We got to the hospital and the nurses rushed her to a room. While I was waiting I texted Adam,Ross, and, Jess about what just happened. They are on their way to the hospital...

Skip 10 minutes brought to you by Jin's  hair.

Adam and the others arrived. All with tears in their eyes. The nurse told us we can talk to her for a bit. We ran to her room. "Y/n?" I ask. " yes" she replies weakly " are you alright. She nods her head and I sit beside her. " I promise you'll be alright" I say while messing with her hair. She smiles weakly. She started to close her eyes again. " ADAM GO GET A NURSE!" I yell to Adam as he runs out of the room calling for a nurse. I hold y/n's hand " you'll be alright" I say again. The nurse and Adam arrived we had to get out of the room for a second. We waited and waited until the nurse came out "Jin I am very sorry for your loss"

A/n thanks for 60 views! Just to let you know this book ain't over yet!!!

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