Will they like me?

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The next day

Today Jin is taking me to see his parents. I'm excited but scared... I mean what if they don't like me. Well I'll just have to wait and see...
When we finally got there Jin knocked on the door. I got really worried then what I believe to be his sister answered the door. I put my hand onto Jin's and help on tightly... I was scared.
We went in to see Jin's parents. My heart started to pump faster and faster.
"Is this her" I hear his mother say as she walks up to me. I smile "hi" I say trying to hide my feelings " M-My name is y/n" I finish. " Jin, you are such I lucky boy" Jin's mother says while I start to giggle. We ate dinner together and I told some jokes along with Jin. We told them how we met and stuff like that.
After that Jin was going to take me some were. The car stopped in front of a tree. Jin dragged me over to the tree and we lied there holding hands, looking at the stars and moon. We lied there for hours. Until we fell asleep.....

Max's POV

Hmmm... I got it! I finally know we're they are! Ok I'll need this.... Oh and that.... I'll need this as well. Ok I think that's it...
There they are sleeping in the moon light together. That should be me not Jin. Ok I need the tranquilizer... Ok! It is done she will be mine. I through the them into the back of my car and take off. They won't even see it coming. Ha!

Sorry I haven't wrote in three days. It's just that my screen broke and I was also busy. I wanted to ket you guys know that I'm alive and I did not give up on this book. Also after this book I'll be making a MarkiplierXReader book for you! Well thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter bub-bye!

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