Lunchtime Trouble

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Chapter Three (Lunch Time Trouble)



And that was it. It was then that I realized that the bottle had stopped spinning and my fate had changed direction.

Just because of a stupid plastic water bottle.

"Oh, look at that," Daryl was grinning from ear to ear like a smug Cheshire cat. "I guess it's going to be your turn, Perry. The bottle has chosen you."

"What? No," I told him. "You go on playing. Never mind me."

"But it seems that fate decided that you should play," Daryl said.

My friends were all looking eagerly at me. I didn't want to let them down even if they did let me down a couple of times. But I also didn't want to get into trouble because it'll definitely mess my records. I was getting this weird queasy feeling on my gut again.

But this was just a harmless game after all, right? "Fine, just this one time, though."

"Yes!" Daryl exclaimed.

"Hey, I'll dare Perry," Angie volunteered.

"No, let me!" Lobby raised her hand.

"No, I have a better dare," Daryl smirked.

The master has spoken. No one dares cross Daryl when he's spoken. I glance uncertainly at him.

"See this tray?" he pointed at the food tray that was resting on the table.

I blinked.

"Yes. I definitely see it. That's my tray," I said.

"Okay, and see that guy?" he said and snickered out loudly as he pointed at a certain direction. "I want you to start a food fight with him."

I followed his gaze and my eyes widened in an instant "What? No."

"Ye-es," Daryl contradicted in a sing song voice.

"That's a brilliant one, Daryl!" Lobby said. "Do it, Perry. See what happens."

"See what happens?" I exclaimed. "What? You want me to dump my food on Harry freaking Singer?"

They shushed me down, clamping their hands over my mouth while students from the other table glanced weirdly at us.

"That's nuts!" I hissed. "And a waste of good food!"

"Uh, I think it's a stupid idea," Angie mumbled. "You'll be asking for trouble."

I glanced at Angie, glad that a friend of mine is thinking rationally. "See? At least Angie has a piece of mind -"

"But it'll be hilarious," Angie added, her lips curling into a devilish smirk.

I glared at her and kicked her hard under the table for changing her mind.

Daryl and Lobby started pounding the table and started chanting. "Do the dare! Do the dare!"

I looked over my shoulder. Some other students were already looking our direction, their faces a mixture of confusion and irritation. But my friends didn't seem to care. I groaned and hid myself behind my palms.

"Stop," I told them. "This is just a stupid game."

"You're always the killjoy," Daryl told me. "Of course it's stupid! That's why we're doing it."

Say what?

Angie started chanting my name to motivate me. I told her to quiet down but then Daryl joined her, pounding his fists on the table. Then Lobby went to join them. I tried to shush them down. We were drawing in attention. It was embarrassing. We could get in to trouble for this.

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